All because of one man

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It was already nine a.m. and Roman was all ready up ready to work out at the gym after yesterday was so busy. Katrina was still asleep, snoring like crazy. He didn't want to wake her up so he went over to her side of the bed and lightly kissed her on the cheek and headed to the shower. The hot water felt amazing especially when the forty degree weather was slipping through some of the cracks  of the windows. While he was in the shower, he was thinking of why Seth was acting so weird lately. He was always denying to hang out with him. He wanted to ask Katrina but he decided to call and ask her later on. 

He went downstairs to fix breakfast himself to wrap up Katrina and Cassie's plate while he ate his. He sat in front of the tv in the living room watching the news for today's weather. As he was taking a bite of his scrambled eggs with cheese and parsley, he looked to see his phone light up with Seth's name appearing on it. He picked it up to see his message, 'When are you leaving to go workout?' I stopped eating and replied, 'In a few minutes. Are you coming too?'. On the other side, Seth knew he wasn't going Roman's way, but to his wife's way or if she decides she really wants Seth back then he would have her right where he wants her. He smiled, chuckling to himself replying. 'No. I'm really busy today.' To which Roman said, 'Dude, why are you always busy when I just wanna hang out? You're acting weird. Is their something you're not telling me?'  Seth stopped smiling for a minute. He hoped Roman hasn't caught onto him wanting to have sex with his wife. He tried to make everything normal and un-obvious. Even though this was his best friend, he couldn't help the way he felt towards Katrina. Seth put his phone back on the nightstand. He couldn't reply back. He didn't know what excuse to say. Roman sat on the couch eating his breakfast now wondering why Seth didn't answer back. But he quickly brushed it off his shoulder and finished his meal before heading out the door. He still needed to remember to call for an appointment for Cassie.

12:15 P.M.

Katrina finally woke up the bright blinding sun blaring through the crystal clear windows. She slowly sat up in bed to feel an empty presence beside her looking to see Roman was gone. She smelled the lingering scent of eggs and perfectly toasted crust downstairs. She rubbed her eyes and headed to the bathroom. She looked deep at herself in the mirror not recognizing the person she was becoming all because of one man. Seth. The whole night she dreamed of Seth taking her in and doing whatever he wanted to her without her struggling and no submissions. Her mind was full of dirty thing she wished she hadn't thought of. She shed a hot tear that streamed down her cheek to the sink. She didn't know what she was doing an why. She had to put an end to this now. She didn't want to be reminded every single day about Seth and his lustful wishes. She went back to the bedroom grabbing her phone and texted her best friend Tamina Snuka. Katrina have been on several GNO's with the diva's roster at WWE, but there was something about Tamina that made them just click together. She asked Tamina to come over that is was an emergency. 

Tamina know she shouldn't speed, but when it came to her best friend in an emergency, she had no choice. She was mostly hoping Roman had cheated on her so she can beat some sense "big and bad" ass. When she arrived she ran in the house looking at Katrina looking back at her with a fearing look in her eyes.

"What's the emergency girl?" Tamina asked with one ear listening to her and the other ear hearing out for cops.

"Tamina. Sit. I need to talk to you about something." Katrina slowly sat down on the couch scratching her head nervously.

"What's it about this time? Did Roman do something?" She sat beside me with one arm around my shoulder. I inhaled deeply before I let out everything that's been weighing on since yesterday.

"No. Tamina, I have a confession but you have to promise you won't tell ANYONE. I mean no one at all!." I got closer to her face after each emphasis on the important words to make sure she got it through clearly.

"Don't worry girl I won't! Now tell me what's going on."

"Okay, well you know Seth Rollins right?" I started off.

"Yes. That's Roman and Dean's best friend right?"

"Yeah him. Well, yesterday" I began, "Roman had to pick up Cassie from school because she got sick. All three of us had gotten back from the pool hall and decided to come back here to watch a movie. When Roman left, Seth stayed with me and Tamina," I hesitated for a moment, "He kissed me." I finally said and let out a deep breathe. I felt like a weight was lifted off of my chest when I confessed.

"He did what?!" She said stunned.

"He told me he's been in love with me ever since Roman introduced me to him and Dean. We just sat on the couch and he started rubbing my legs and then he just  kissed me and I actually liked it. Is it bad that I wanted him to do more?" I asked a little ashamed.

"I mean, can you compare how you feel towards Seth and how you do to Roman?" I could tell she really didn't know what to say.

"I love Roman with everything I have I really do. But lately, our love life has been going a little dry. I needed a spark, and extra push but this wasn't really what I wanted. it just happened and all of a sudden, I got that spark I was looking for back. Should I be ashamed Tamina? I don't know what to do. My mind is telling me to try Seth out but my heart is telling me to stay committed and not ruin a great marriage." I started to cry again being more confused than ever. Tamina wrapped her muscle-bound arms around me and hugged me.

"Listen, you do what your heart tells you. I know it's cheesy but true. You wouldn't want to be in the club drinking like a crazy single woman wishing a man would sweep you off your feet all over again would you?" She was right. I didn't want to go down that route again but I didn't want a constant burden of trying Seth's body out hanging over me for the rest of my life everytime I see him.

"No." I just wanted this conversation to be over now.

"Then don't do anything stupid. Think about your little girl and how you would hurt her if you did." 

"Thanks Tamina. You're really a great friend.

"No problem girl." She hugged me again. Closing my eyes I let my mind speak to me. I had almost a day to think this situation over. 

NOTE: The sex part won't happen until next chapter. Be patient and thank you!

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