~Chapter 1~

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     My name is Rishka Evans. I am 22 years old and I am a shipwreck survivor. I would have never thought that I would be held captive by two giants, but they didn't treat me like a prisoner. Perhaps because I was a shipwreck survivor? Or because I was a girl. I didn't know, but I was grateful that I had survived...

(This story has elements from King Kong, Journey 2, and The Last Guardian)

     Rishka coughed and sputtered as she dragged herself up towards the beach. She felt the warm, soft sand in between her fingers and dropped onto the sandy shoreline of the island. She rested for a few hours before recovering fully and stood up. Looking around, Rishka spotted a weird looking parrot.

She approached the bird, and, it barked at her. Curious, she continued through the forest, still wondering where she was. She ventured about 8 miles before the sun had begun to set. She stopped and looked around, seeing the strange bird again. She stared at it, then her eyes widened. It was an archaeopteryx, a dinosaur! She blinked and shook her head. No, you're seeing things! Dinosaurs are extinct! Rishka thought. She backed away, then turned around and ran, right into a mound of rusted stone-iron, and wearing it was a giant T-Rex with weird yellow crystal back spikes and horns coming from the armor. It snarled, then roared, trying to consume Rishka. She leapt out of the way, then ran away from the dinosaur. She stopped only to be faced with a ravine, and a very deep one at that.

     Rishka felt the ground tremble as the dinosaur near, and she felt as if she was left with no choice. She jumped. She felt a gust of wind and heard a pair of jaws snap, but felt nothing but the air and wind. She crashed into a strange bird cage, which clanked. She felt weary from the impact, then fell onto the cage floor. Rishka glanced around wearily, and saw a pair of eyes staring at her. Her vision grew blurry, and she began to black out, but before she could, she saw the silhouette of what could have been a giant man.

(Sorry this chapter is short, but, the next one will be longer!)

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