Chapter 8 - I Don't Think We Should Speak Anymore

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Chapter 8


It was a gorgeous night; the streets were calm as everybody settled into their homes, prepared to stop the day serenely. I sat on the swing, moving back and forward somewhat, not wanting to swing too far above the ground. Beside me, perhaps the most stunning young man I know. He was sitting on the earth, his perfectly curled locks pushed back and away from his face, a beanie holding it back. His eyes were set to me, and even in this dark, the moon and the stars were all the shine I needed to see the astonishing colour of his emerald orbs. His fleshy lips bowed up in a small grin as he noticed me staring, yet I didn’t look away. I was far too enthralled by his amazing good looks. He was wearing a tight pallid t-shirt that clung to his upper body, showing off his prominent collar bones and striking chest. His black skinny jeans were irrationally tight; I don’t know how he was crossing his legs without the button and zipper giving way. I was even astounded by his shoes, his pointed boots big, and persuasive.

I was enforced out of my stare when he stood up, walking towards me. I stood off the swing; I could tell he had something significant to tell me, his forehead creased as he opened his mouth to speak.

“I don’t think we should speak anymore.”

That, I wasn’t expecting. Over the past few days I had seemed to forget the past I had with Harry. All the mischief and mean jokes he had played on me, the hate I had for him, I wasn’t shocked all he required me for was sex.

“Not like we spoke anyway.” I answered- my manner firm.

Harry squinted, licking his lips before speaking, a routine I had come to observe when he was puzzled.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean all you used me for was sex, and now you feel bad that I don’t want to do it anymore, so you have no use for me anymore.”

My heart began pounding as Harrys expression altered, the veins in his neck becoming prominent as his breathing became heavier. I had never seen Harry mad, and if this was it, I was happy I hadn’t.

“If that’s what you think then you can get fucked” he growled, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

“Well you gave me reasons to think that, Harry. How can you blame me?”

“If I wanted you for sex, I could get it off you whenever the fuck I want, I came here tonight to end this thing completely. No more sex, no more talking, no more messing around with you and making fun of you.”

This is what I wanted to hear, after years of praying Harry Styles was at last leaving me alone. So, why wasn’t I content with what I was hearing?


“But what, Aaliyah?” he took off his beanie, running his fingers through his hair as he pushed it to the side.

“Can’t we at least be friends? I mean, we just sat here together doing absolutely nothing and it was fine.”

He sighed, looking down at the floor and fiddling with the bark on the floor. I badly wanted to know what was going on in that unbalanced mind of his.

“Can I show you something?” he said, his lips showing a small smirk as he held his hand out for me to clutch. He walked me off the playing equipment and onto the grass, sitting down on a park bench.

“What are you going to show me?” I asked, my tone showing obvious excitement.

He put his finger to his lips, “sshhh, patience” he spoke, his croaky voice sending chills down my back.

I watched as he pulled a pencil out of his pocket, “a magic trick?!” I exclaimed gladly. He was always so good at tricks, always showing off at school at lunch, much like the time he magically made my wallet emerge in my bag when I saw him plainly placing it in his pocket. I shook the thought away; I didn’t want to bring back any awful reminiscences when everything was going so fine. I enjoyed Harrys companionship, and as much as he’s put me through, I felt a strange warmness towards him, like I had to defend him from something.

“Ok, just a normal pencil right?” he asked as he handed the pencil to me. I began probing it, it seemed totally standard. I handed the pencil back to Harry and watched as he began waving the pencil, and to my astonishment, the pencil began to bend, as if it were rubber.

Harry, who had clearly seen my look of absolute wonder, began laughing uncontrollably, holding his abdomen as he threw his head back in laughter.

“What?!” I exclaimed.

“This is a trick I show to 5 year olds. Anyone can do it, all you do is wave the pencil and it just looks like its bending. It’s not a trick at all, just an illusion you dumbass. I didn’t think you’d actually buy it.”

I could feel my cheeks heating up as I noticed my foolishness. I snatched the pencil from Harrys fingers and began waving it, and just like he said, it gave the delusion that it was rubber. I looked at Harry, who was watching me with an enormous smile on his face, the dimples on his cheeks prominent, making me melt.

I began laughing, Harry joining me soon after as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

“Don’t worry; it’ll be our little secret.”

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