Chapter 1

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Following the battle of the five armies, Kili's body was lying on the cold stone floor, motionless and devoid of life. Right in the middle of his chest, there was a protruding dagger, stained in dark blood red. 

One could not see his face, for to look at it they'd have to brush away the silk-like red hair that was currently covering it.  As beside him, sat the owner of the silky red hair, and if one were to look into her eyes they'd be able to see that the green orbs looked like a sky before a storm, calm but with whirling, uncontained electricity flowing through the air. Just a moment more and the tears, she was trying so hard to hold in would've spilled, falling one by one onto the face of a dwarf she once loved, as her rough warrior-like hands gently cradled his face, like a mother cradles her newborn child or a lover gently caresses the face of the one they love.

Just as the first tears were about to spill, the moment was broken by a pair of footsteps nearing the dead dwarf and the elf, who was holding his face ever so gently.

»Father,« the elf prince's voice could be heard, echoing through the hallways of the dead silent castle like a soft prayer, »I cannot go back!« it ordered.

Thousands of thoughts were flowing through Tauriel's head, what was he talking about, cannot go where, but Mirkwood is his home, there is nowhere else to go but back.

»Go North, there is a man known as Strider, find him. I think you will benefit from meeting him,« Thranduil's voice was commanding, and hearing it again sent a tremor through Tauriel, she hoped to never hear that voice again, but she was aware that it was a childish wish as she'll be returning to the kingdom shortly, hopefully getting her position as captain back as well.

»What is his real name?« it was once again Legolas' voice that calmed her down, it reminded her of all those times when they were still but little elves and her nightmares got the best of her, it was his voice, as soft as a feather and as cool as a cold river on a hot summer day that got her through those nights and that calmed her on this very day.

»That you must discover for yourself.«

She could hear Legolas huff at that, and it almost made her forget where she was, who she was cradling in her arms, and let a huff of amusement abandon her mouth. Leave it to him to make her smile in a situation as cruel as this.

»Legolas,« the elf king spoke again, »your mother loved you, more than anyone, more than life.«

And it was left at that, silence once again enveloped the castle, like a veil, dooming them all. Tauriel didn't know how long the silence lingered for, nor did she care. Her gaze was still on Kili's face, his eyes were cold and empty and there was a cut just above his eyebrow, she slowly brushed away the hair off of his face and put it behind his ear. She could feel tears prickling at her eyes again, this time they would be held back no more.

Tears slid down her face one by one and her chest heaved as she struggled to control her breathing. And as the first sobs were let out, there was a comforting hand on her back, slowly guiding her into a hug. All she could do was be led into it, listen to Legolas' heartbeat, and let the sobs and tears leave her body. The blonde elf felt like home, she couldn't imagine anyone else taking his place, it was alright, she didn't mind him one bit.

As Tauriel's breathing calmed down and the tears stopped rolling down her face, a soft hand caressed her cheek. No »Are you alright?« or »Will you be okay now?« were said, and she couldn't have been more glad as answering questions would for her, at this point, be a fruitless task. But it was okay as Legolas didn't need confirmations or answers, he simply sat there on the cold stone floor, holding the person he loved so dearly, tightly to his chest, wanting to protect her and erase all the sadness and pain away. But he was a grown man and he knew the pain of losing someone close to you, and that even after a millennium the pain still lingers and is never truly gone. As nothing can be done to erase it, as life is cruel and unforgiving. So he dared not speak a word, afraid that one wrong move could make the beautiful elven warrior crumble away like dust.

Tauriel slowly lifted her head and was met by bright blue eyes that shone with concern and unspoken love, her gaze wilted away like a dead flower and once again her head hung down with her auburn hair falling around it like a veil. Just as tears were about to flow out of her eyes once again there was a light pressure on her chin as Legolas lifted her face to meet his gaze again.

»Tauriel...« he whispered, his voice breaking on the last syllable. »I'm sorry...«

»Whatever could you be sorry for?« she smiled at him, although her smile didn't reach her eyes.

»I going to leave Mirkwood and that means I'm going to leave you behind, I promise to you that I would stay if I could-« his voice was suddenly cut off when a pair of soft lips gently caressed his cheek so fleetingly they could've been mistaken for a whisp of wind. Once the lips left the soft skin of his cheek, a calloused but soft hand came up to rest in their place, slowly stroking off the dirt and dried blood that had collected on it in the throes of the battle. 

»It's alright,« Tauriel said to him »I will be fine, you needn't stay here beside me, dearest friend o' mine. There are wounds on both of our hearts that need healing, and perhaps it would be wise to let them heal on their own without new ones being made by us.«

»Perhaps it would be wise...« Legolas murmured back.

And they left it at that, no other words were spoken as the elf with hair as bright as autumn leaves untangled herself from Legolas' embrace and with a last fleeting gaze left in a tangle of hair and robes, returning to her place beside the fallen dwarf. As she took the dwarf into her arms she whispered something too quiet for even elven ears to pick up, but despite that Legolas heard her and as he was riding far away from the empty castle the words finally registered in his brain and he let out a beautiful heart-wrenching sob.

»We shall meet again my love.«


Hello there my lovely readers! 

Before you continue your reading journey I should warn you that this story was written when I was 11/12 and the chapter you have just read I have rewritten and fixed so the rest of the story will not be able to compare in the slightest. I do wish to re-do the whole story one day but sadly that day is not today. So thank you so much and if you truly wish to continue reading know that the remnants of this story are full of grammar mistakes, bad English, terrible pacing, and bad writing and characterization overall. Much love <3 -Author

~Legriel | Story of Legolas and Tauriel after BOFA [Wattys 2017]Where stories live. Discover now