A gift worth a lady

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So... Long time no see heh?.. Anyway, Enjoy the chapter.

Tauriel POV

Everyone except Tauriel and Gimli got their gift. A bow for Legolas, daggers for Merry and Pippin and an elven rope for Sam.

''And what gift would a dwarf ask the Elves?'' Galadriel asked softly when she came to Gimli who was standing beside Tauriel.

''Nothing,''Gimli murmured into his beard. ''Actually..ugh..There was on a .. thing..ugh-'' he tried and asked Galadriel for something. Tauriel refused to hear that part for it was Gimli's personal space she would be invading.

''Tauriel, The Forest maiden.'' Galdriel said softly when she aproached her.

Tauriel bowed and smiled;''Lady Galdriel. Thank you for everything you did for me.''

Galadriel nodded; ''Yes, you are very welcome my dear.''

With that Tauriel straightned her back only to lower it again when Galdriel put a necklace with a little Emerald gem around her neck. ''This necklace will tell you when you are true to your feelings and when you are denying them. The gem will glow when you ignore or push your feeling to much down and it will shine with the specks of blue when you follow them.'' Galadriel smiled softly.

''Thank you.'' Tauriel said. But the fair lady just walked away.


Tauriel was sitting on a boat. Behind her Gimli and Legolas were talking.

''What was it?'' asked Legolas and it took Tauriel some time to get  the point. He was meanting the gift.

''I asked her for one hair from her golden head. She gave me three.'' Gimli replied. Tauriel could feel the smile wanting to get on her face but she refused it and saw her necklace glowing. Great. She then let the smile get on her face as the glowing gem darkened and specks of blue appeared on it.

"Tauriel." she heard Legolas's voice and turned to him.
"Yes?"she answered.
"What did she gave to you?" Legolas looked at the moving water. Obviously he was starting to get more and more nervous as they went past two abnorous human statues near the river.
"A necklace. To follow my fellings." Tauriel whispered. It's already a burden..
"We'll cross the lake at nightfall hide the boats and continue on foot." Aragorn demanded.
"Oh yes?!" said Gimli obviously annoyed and started telling Aragorn what he thinks and that is how they started arguing.
"Ugh. They are so childish." Tauriel muttered when she sat at a branch of a tree.
"You were once too." A soft voice added.
"But I at least will not scream at someone if they don't like what I think." Tauriel answered. Turning around looking at Legolas beside her.
"That you sure got right." he smiled lightly and looked away.
"Tauriel.." he whispered. "I.. I think.. that after all of this years I.. have grown feelings for you that are more than friendship."
Tauriel just sat there completly shocked. "You..r fa..ther." she stuttered out.
"I don't care what he says." Legolas was sure. Never more in hos life did he know what he wanted. His slender fingers brushed across her chin and turned Tauriel's face so she was facing him.
"Amin mela lle." He whispered still holding her face. Tauriel on the other side just sat there in shock.
"You don't have to say anything. I know you loved that..dwarf." Legolas said the word dwarf as if it's poisoness.
Then Tauriel pulled away. "I didn't and don't love the dwaft Legolas." she replied coldly. Only to pull back and press her lips to his. Legolas didn't had to be asked twice. He cupped her cheeks as she brushed his hair with her fingers. The kiss wasn't heated. It was love. Pure love.
Tauriel's gem meanwhile was glowing with blue specks like crazy.
When they pulled away Legolas pressed his lips to her's aqain for a short kiss. Only to pull away and press their foreheads.
"Amin mela lle." He whispered softly.
"Amin mela lle." Tauriel replied just as softly.

They KISSED 😍 Fangirls so hard right now. The reason why I put this kiss in is because I don't want to write the whole LOTR story on here and change it. I am going to finish at the end of Fellowship of the ring. And do not fret I am not ending this story yet. I am going to have quite a few chapters of their life afterwards so make sure to get your popcorn ready.

~Legriel | Story of Legolas and Tauriel after BOFA [Wattys 2017]Where stories live. Discover now