To find a Strider

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Really big thanks goes to @Iryarin who suported me in first chapter and gave me enough courage to continue on this story.


Legolas POV

As Legolas rode on his horse, his heart was pumping hard in his chest as if it was trying to get out. He felt as he was going to be torn apart. The pain although bearable, was still pain. For just a moment he humoured the thought, that perhaps Tauriel was feeling the same pain as him. But that thought was quickly interrupted and pushed back into the deepest, darkest, corners of his heart as he heard a whistle and a man's voice somewhere behind him.

As he turned around he saw a man in dark clothes but light hair, riding on a horse darker than a moonless night sky. The man held himself in a strangely familiar way and it took Legolas a few moments to realise that the man rode with an elegance non-characteristic of men, but that of Elves. 

''What is a creature as wise and mysterious as an elf doing this far up North? Oh, my friend here you will find none of your kin so better return from where you're coming.'' the strange man laughed.

''I come from the woods of Mirkwood. Kingdom ruled by Thranduil. I was sent here to find a man who they call Strider.''



''I know who you're talking about. He just left for the council of Riverdell, although you might just catch him before he gets there.'' he smiled.

Legolas nodded, turned his horse and started riding in the direction that the man showed him. 


After two hours of non-stop riding Legolas' eyes slowly saw a moving figure. He thought that it was some lost, lonely, Orc at first. But as he came closer he saw a horse with a rider.

He slowly rode to the cloaked figure who quickly jumped off of his horse and aimed at the startled elf with an arrow at his bow. 

''Who follows nin? (Who follows me?)'' the cloaked figure said. Legolas was stunned. The strange man spoke Elvish.

''Im am Legolas red-o Thranduil a coon-o Mirkwood. Im am an a adan plural edain called Strider.(I am Legolas son of Thranduil and a prince of Mirkwood. I am looking for a man called Strider.)''

''Well then you found the right person.'' the man put down his hood and revealed the face of a young man with dark brown hair and blue eyes. ''But I am on a mission to Rivendell I still have a few days to get there. Do you wish to accompany me?''

''Very much. Thank you, nin Strider.''

''No call me Aragorn, Mellon.'' Strider-Aragorn smiled and tied his horse's bridle to a near tree.


A few hours later they sat besides a fire. Legolas had seen fire before but he never experienced a night as dark. Fire seemed like a star shoot down on Middle Earth. 'Like. Like Starlight.' he though. Slowly his gaze turned to stars in the sky. Tauriel loved stars. 


''Tauriel where are you?'' said a little elf boy with blond hair which barely touched his shoulders. He looked worried. When he entered a glade with beautifull golden lilies which seemed to glow in night mist. When he saw a red headed elf girl laying in soft grass. Her hair flowing on it around her head.

''Tauriel!'' he shouted. ''Tauriel! Are you OK?!!''

Little elf girl Tauriel got up smirking.''Of course I am you dummy I was watching stars. They're just soooo beautifull.''

''You know that my ada says that is not acceptable to go out in night. The foul creatures..spiders giant ones and orcs... It is not safe anymore my mellon.''

''Legolas. I know that. Just the stars are not visible from my window.'' she pouted.

''Fine but if you're gonna be going out any more time come to me first so I will not worry about you okey?'' Legolas smiled.

''Yes, thank you mellonin.''Tauriel smiled back.

(End of Flashback)

One lonely tear slipped down his cheek. Aragorn seemed to saw it.

''What is troubling you my friend.'' Aragorn quietly asked.

''I don't think you would want more troubles on your shoulders. It is.... nothing that important.''

''I don't think that a broken heart is nothing important.'' he chuckled.

''How?''Legolas murmured.

''I was in the same situation as you. I.. still am. That is why my 20 years beat your 100 or however old you are.''Aragorn replied

''1000 years.''

''Then 1000 years. But can't just tell me about it. I think it can help you. Quite a lot.''

Legolas has taken a deep breath:''No I cannot. Maybe one other time.''

Aragorn nodded and layed down slowly falling asleep. Soon after he was asleep Legolas stared in the night sky and stars. ''Good night, Tauriel.'' he whispered. Not knowing Aragorn was not asleep and that he heard every single word.

With that they fell asleep. Now really sleeping.

~Legriel | Story of Legolas and Tauriel after BOFA [Wattys 2017]Where stories live. Discover now