My New Era [Epilogue]

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After months of fighting and sheding blood. Everything. The war. Quarrels. And most importantly Sauron were defeated. Elves and Dwarves became friends in need because of the times of peace.
Legolas and Tauriel returned to Mirkwood and after a month of delaying they told Thranduil about their relationship. Let's just say he wasn't first.. He destroyed some cups and plates and screamed a bit. But that was just how the whole realm got to know about their prince's love life.
After seven years Tauriel became pregnant. The tradition amongst Elves is that they must be married before they're pregnant or their partner is pregnant. That's why Legolas proposed to her in the coming month. The wedding was grand and even Thranduil shared a few tears.
A few months later the Baby was born into the world. A Baby elfing Eleniel.
The whole realm cheerished her birth.
After 200 years Eleniel became acompanied by a brother Mael.
Her hair was long and brown but her eyes shining blue. Like her fathers. She was hot-headed but still sweet. Just anything but noble. Her hair was filled with leaves most of the time and her grandfather said that she defenitly inherieted a lot from her mother. Her brother was the whole oposite. His hair was long and blond, his eyes like green emelards. He was mostly quiet and was pretty popular amongst other elfings just that he never actually appreciated all of the unwanted attention. His favourite way of spending the free time was reading or listening to his grandfather's meeting. Who was very proud of his grandson.
As for Tauriel. She became a loving mother, wife, teacher and a new queen. She stepped down as Captain and became a fair lady whos beauty was sanged just like Arwen or Galadriel's amongst the world. Thranduil says that she changed and stopped hunting for the sake of her children, husband and her realm.
Legolas was the same as always. Basically he was the one teaching his children all of the combat. Well mostly his daughter, Mael was more of a Mama's boy who read, healed and read even more.
They were at peace and they could never asked for anything else. Their lives were perfect at least for them.
-The End-
I did it! It's a lot shorter than I first thought it will be but I love it Anyway. If anyone of you want a Sequel then just say so. I didn't put all of their 'Fellowship' story in because I didn't want to make it more dificult for me than it already is. Oh and "Mael" means "Prince" So yea ❤
Hope you enjoyed this story.

~Legriel | Story of Legolas and Tauriel after BOFA [Wattys 2017]Where stories live. Discover now