Chapter 26

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Bray shoved me behind him trying to remain calm,

‘Blake, I see you got yourself some new men’ Bray acknowledged him rather firmly

‘Bray, you’re the one outnumbered this time, I wouldn’t be smart’ Blake replied with the same tone

It was true, there was only Bray and I and there were four of them. Blake’s men all had guns attached to their belts and were holding a knife. The men all looked twice the size of Bray and had enormous muscles. They kept edging closer to us and we kept moving backwards until we were against the wall.

Then I heard Bray whisper to me so quietly that only I could hear him ‘I’m going to fight, you need to run and hide, I will find you.’

‘Let’s not stand here all day boys I’ve only come here for one thing, Ella’ Blake said dryly, and with his words Bray swung into action darting straight for Blake. However it was four against one and as Bray was about to reach Blake the three other men took Bray and started to fight with him, it was a blur of kicking, punching and I even heard a gunshot before I ran.

I ran so fast out of the room and down the corridor. I decided to take the fire stairs and not the lift because I thought Blake would look for me there. But then I heard the door open to the stairs above me and a voice.

‘Ella, I can hear your heartbeat sweetie, I know your close’ and with those words I pumped my legs harder and harder until I made it out of the stair and out of the hotel. I chose a direction and started to run down the street past all of the people. I didn’t make it far though. Hands darted out from a figure to my left and they grabbed me around my waist pulling me into the alley nearby. I looked up to see a large muscly man who looked exactly like the other three back in our hotel room. I knew he worked for Blake. I wriggled in his grip but it was no good, he was too strong. Then the devil himself rounded the corner and walked into the alley.

‘I knew you’d run, so I was prepared with my guys all down the street, I see you didn’t get far though. I’ll take it from here, thankyou Bruce’ with Blake’s awful words Bruce dropped me out of his grip and Blake grabbed hold of my wrist.

‘I’m not going anywhere with you’ I yelled stubbornly at him trying to pull his arm off me

‘You don’t have a choice’ he replied dragging me out of the alley into the busy street. Then I came up with a plan, Bray had said London was one of the most populated places on earth, surely if I made enough fuss and commotion someone would stop and help me right? Well it was really my only hope at the moment.

So I screamed, loudly. ‘AHHHHHHH! Someone help me, I’m being kidnapped! Help me!’ I took a breath ready to start again when Blake whispered menacingly in my ear ‘Open your mouth again and I’ll break off all of your limbs.’ With that I shut my mouth still trying to fight off his grip.

Then a black limo identical to ones I had seen back in America pulled up on the street next to us and Blake threw me in. Literally, he swooped up my legs and propelled my body into the back seat of the limo. He quickly clambered in and all of the doors were locked. The screen was up between the front of the limo where the driver sat and the back so it was only Blake and I.

I clambered to the opposite end of the seat trying to gain as much distance as possible from him.

‘There going to kill you, you know that right?’ I asked attempting to scare him

‘Not if I drink your blood and turn you first’ he replied equally trying to scare me

Then I remembered something, I remembered I had a phone in my pocket which could help me. If I only I could call one of the boys without Blake realising. I pepped over at Blake and he was talking to someone on the phone looking out the window. I quickly slipped my phone out of my pocket and into my trench coat. I rested my head on the seat pretending to fall asleep, so I was looking down into my lap where I found the boys contact and pressed the first one I saw, I call the number and left the phone switched on in my lap.

‘Where are you taking me?’ I asked Blake who had now finished his phone call

‘To my house, where we can have some fun’

‘Where is your house?’ I asked

‘Why do you need to know?’

‘I’m just curious how much longer I need to use the loo’ I replied thinking up an excuse

‘About 5 minutes more, on the outskirts of London’

‘What did you do to Bray in the hotel back in London?’ I asked worriedly but eager for some more information

‘I don’t think you’re really going to like the answer to that. Now enough talking I need to make another call.’

And with that he was distracted again and I could end the call with whoever it was that I had contacted and I slipped the phone back into my jean pocket. I could only hope my plan worked and that the boys would come and find me. But they weren’t due in London until tomorrow and then they still had to try and find where Blake lived and if Bray was alright. Oh god I hope Bray is alright, I’d absolutely die if anything happened to him because of me. My mind was reeling with so many emotions and thoughts that I didn’t even realise that the car had stopped. 

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