chapter 10

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I took in the sight before me, the fresh grass I smelt just a moment ago I could now see, it stretched for miles around the place. Speaking of the place where was i? I turned around to take a good look at the building we had just emerged from and the place I had spent the night. Standing before me was a large castle like building, it was huge and must have held several extremely large rooms, by the looks of it there was room to accomadate more than 100 people. I turned back around to further take in the view, there was a large water fountain several metres in front of us, and to my left around 1000 people where fighting? No, they were being trained. All of the people, all male it seemed where following instructions from a leader in front of them, all doing what looked like karate and fighting with guns and hand held knives. It was intimidating to watch.

‘This, this is our family, they are all being trained to help save humans and keep them safe’ Bray informed me beginning to walk straight towards the group of vampires.

I followed behind Bray and every time I took a step too slowly a hand was placed upon my back and I was given a shove by one of the three boys behind me. We continued walking along the green grass towards the middle of the field where the boys were training. Bray stood on the outskirts of the field about to walk straight through the middle of the horrific training scene that was unfolding in front of us.  And that’s when I stopped. My brain was battling with my legs refusing to take me any further and put myself in danger.

The hundreds of guys in front of me were all performing a detailed sequence of moves, I saw twist, turns, jumps it was kind of scary to watch. I just couldn’t move, I mean there were vampires in front of me for Christ sake! Fighting vampires! What sane person would just walk straight into that willingly?! Not me and that was for sure. I started to slowly back up, I didn’t want to be here anymore. I shuffled my feet backwards until I backed into a wall, no not a wall we were outside, a rock? I rubbed my head where I hit it and started to stumble, firm hands grasped me from behind and steadied me on my feet. I turned around to see they were Jay’s hands on me and Dean and Kyle were watching on with amused expressions. I shrugged off Jay’s hands and stepped around him and began walking back the way we had come. Unfortunately  I didn’t get very far before I had all four boys standing in front of me blocking my way.

‘Where are you going?’ Bray asked me

I just looked up at them all, they were just like all of these guys that I had seen fighting except they were the best of the bunch. There was something stopping me from speaking, it was fear. I was scared, I was really truly scared of the situation I was in. After seeing 1000 guys fighting, knowing they are all Vampires freaked me out. So I just stood there not answering Bray’s question.

‘Well?’ Bray questioned again ‘The tour hasn’t finished’

‘Ella, are you alright?’ Jay asked. I looked up at him and met his dark brown eyes, I shook my head to answer his question.

Then Kyle started up now talking to the other guys, ‘this was too much for her too soon’

‘Well she has to get used to it, this is her life now’ Dean put in his opinion

‘C’mon let’s get back to the tour’ Bray stated while turning on his heel making his way back towards the 1000 vampires fighting in the field.

With Bray’s back turned, and the other three guys in a heated conversation about me I took that moment to bolt. I ran back the way we had came. I pumped my feet harder and harder against the pavement with every step I took. I ran all the way back to inside the huge building. I found my way up the stairs and raced into my room. I slammed the door shut and locked it. Just as I did I heard a huge THUMP against the door. I was pretty sure that four vampires has just ran straight into my door. Not their brightest idea.

‘Ella’ Jays voice called

‘Ella, c’mon let us in’ Dean called

‘You know we can just break down the door kid’ that was Bray, always straight to the point

‘Ella, if you don’t answer us, we are going to have to break down the door to make sure your alright’ Jay called out in an authourative tone

I didn’t answer them, I couldn’t. I just walked over the door that lead to the balcony and wriggled the handle only to find that it was still locked.

BANG! A huge thud sounded and I whirled around to see the door had swung open and there were four pissed off Vampires standing in front of me. They started to walk towards me and I bolted for the open door. I was about a metre away from the door when I was caught around the waist by Bray, he had his arms firmly locked around me. I thrashed around in his grip.

‘That’s pointless you know sweetie’ Bray said looking down at me.

I sighed and stoped thrashing around so much, only wriggling a little.

‘If Bray lets you go will stand here and talk to us like a civilized human being?’ Jay questioned

I nodded my head and Brays grip loosened and he removed his hands. Just as he did I bolted to the open door again and this made it out into the corridor before I was caught. Did they seriously think I would give up escaping so easily. I was thrown over the shoulder of the same capturer as before- Bray, and carried back to my room. I was thrown onto the bed and I watched as Jay walked over to the door and locked it with a small key then placed it in his pocket. Once again I had four vampires standing in front of me. I scrambled up to a sitting position on the bed and pulled my knees up to my chin wrapping my arms around my legs so I was in a little ball. I was comfortable this way, it made me feel safer.

‘So now we have the doors locked, we can talk’ Jay stated

They were all waiting for me to say something but I had nothing to tell them, I just wanted to go home.

‘Ella, why did you run away before?’ Jay questioned again

A few minutes passed and I sighed before finally answered them ‘I didn’t want to be there’ I answered honestly

‘Why not?’ Dean piped in

‘Because it scared her, she’s just a kid’ Bray informed them all

‘I am not a kid’ I said angrily getting up walking toward Bray pointing my finger at him

‘Oh yeah, and what are you going to do about it, kid?’ Bray said walking towards me, he was now standing in front of me towering over me

By now I was fuming with anger, I swung my fist upwards and punched Bray in the side of his face. As soon as my hand came into contact with his face I screamed out.

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