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(ages: annie-16 brennan-17)


"I know, Annie. It's hard without him, but you have to stay strong so Hayley could look up to you. You can cry, but not in front of people. Be happy on the outside, okay?" I say, talking to myself again in the mirror. It's been 5 years since he went up to heaven. And I'm not that happy today.

It's just because he was my only brother. I also looked up to him. But guess I should be the one who will inspire Hayley.

I laid on the bed and thought of the beautiful memories me and Caleb had. Those made me smile, not cry. It feels that he's still here, but not physically. And that kind of hurts.

I wanted to see him in person again. I wanted to feel and hug him. Mess up his beautiful curly hair, and do random things. But he's long gone, he's in Heaven, making new friends and sharing his humor with everyone. I miss him so much.

"ANNIE! KATIE AND HER BROTHERS WILL COME HERE FOR A SLEEPOVER!" Mom yelled. "OKAY MOM!" I yelled back. I started to clean my room and take a bath. I put on a black shirt and some jeans. I curled my hair. By the time I was done, mom called. "THEY'RE HERE!" I ran downstairs and opened the door. There I saw Brennan. Tall and handsome. As always.

"Hey!" I smiled sweetly. I didn't want to make it obvious that I like him. "Hi Ans." He smiled back and hugged me. I hugged back, and I felt my cheeks burning like crazy. "ANNIEEEE!" Katie yelled. "KATIEEEE!" I replied and hugged her. I knew she had a crush on Caleb back then. Caleb also fancied her, but until now she doesn't know. I guess I'll tell her later.

"I missed youuuu!" I squeezed her more. "You toooo!" She chuckled. When we broke the hug, she seemed sad. "What's wronggg?" "Oh, I just thought of Caleb. It's October 1st, right?" She smiled sadly. I nodded. I felt tears about to form. And once they formed, I rubbed my eyes as if to say it was itching. Brennan looked at me and gave me a fake smile. But I knew he knows I was about to cry.

He knows my movements now. I rub my eyes if I'm about to cry, I fake cough when a lump is in my throat, I sigh when I think about Caleb, everything. He's been to the gym everyday, and I stay at their house until mom picks me up. "It's alright to cry," He mumbled and hugged me tight. I smiled. He was so tall like damn, I need to drink more height giving medicines or stuff.

My forehead was on his chest. "Okay let's go eat, Lovebirds." Katie said, walking to the dining table. I sat beside her and kicked her foot under the table. "What was that for?!" She whispered. "Nothing." I whispered back, and ate the food on my plate.

Once we were done, I walked in my room. Katie followed, and we chatted. I guess this was the right time to say it.

"Katie, I've got something to say. Don't cry, okay?" I started.
"Okay." She simply replied.
"How do I start this... Uhm..." I mumbled to myself, until I've got the right words to say.

"You've liked Caleb, right?" "Uh, yes, until now. Why?"
"I should've said this to you before he died... He... Uhmm... Uh..." I started to look down. "He didn't want me to tell this to you, but, He likes you, too." and that's when Katie's eyes filled up with tears. "How dare he?! He didn't even mention a thing!" She tried to laugh, but it led up to her choking in her own tears.

"I'm sorry..." I rubbed her back. "It's alright... Glad you could tell me this..." She smiled and wiped her tears. She walked out of my room, probably going to Caleb's room.

I sat at the corner of my bed, and placed my head on my knees. I just wanted to cry all day.

"Ans?" Brennan.

"Yeah?" I said, removing the sad tone but of course it won, like it always do.

"Are you crying?" he asked.

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