My Diary

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Katie's PoV

I walked to my room after an exhausting day. I grabbed a pen and a paper to write down my thoughts and what happened today. But the problem is, I didn't even want to write down what kind of activities we did. We didn't even do anything.

But, since I had a lot of thoughts lying around my head, I decided to write this down instead of what I usually do.

Here it goes.

Dear Diary,

You know that feeling when you have a huge crush on someone but he doesn't like you back? That's actually what I feel. You're attracted to someone you know wouldn't even love you back.

Look, I have a huge crush on Caleb. Even though he's not that famous, he's not that cute or handsome or what people even say about him that doesn't reach what I like in a boy, I still fell for him. I don't know why, though. Maybe those weren't my standards; maybe I liked the opposite of it.

I just love how he smiles. How he communicates with his friends. How he plays the guitar. How he fixes his hair. Everything, I guess. I probably love HIM, Himself. He never makes fun of someone who just had embarrassed herself. And those are the reasons I fell for him.

But one day, I know I would get over him. I would stop liking him and all of my feelings will disappear. I would FORGET him COMPLETELY. But now's not the time.

You know those scientific basis, when you have a crush, it only lasts for four months and when it exceeds, you're already in love? That scientific basis? Well, I've liked him for 3 years. Exactly 3 years tomorrow. Guess I'm really in love with him, but he doesn't return that affection back.

I couldn't get to what I really wanted to say.

Whenever he looks at me, I smile uncontrollably. Even if it's just one glance, it means the world to me. But when he smiles at me? I guess my world's destroyed, then. Just one, simple thing he would do to me, I think of it every night.

I guess this is how being in love looks like. I like the feeling of it.

Even though in the future I wouldn't fall for him anymore, I know, with just one person saying his name, my mind goes to him completely. I would smile and they would ask me why, I'd say he was my childhood crush.

I act calm whenever I'm beside or near him, yeah, but inside my heart is exploding. I would take a punch instead of him knowing that I like him.

He's the person who gives me inspiration to move on with life, even though I feel depressed nowadays.

I guess that's all, then.

~Katie Kates >·<

I sighed as I finished, and placed the paper inside my history book. Then I got ready for tomorrow and fell asleep, thinking of him. As always.

· · ·

I woke up with dried tear stains on my cheeks. I cried? Because of what?

I brushed it off and began to do my normal morning routine quickly that I forgot to eat breakfast. And once I have finished, I waited at the bus stop.

Oh, Caleb's house is just a street away, and he also takes the bus ride. I was grateful to have known that.

I waited for 15 minutes when I hear someone running. "KATIE!" I heard.
I looked at where the yell came from, and saw Caleb running towards me.
Once he stopped running, he was panting. "What happened?" I chuckled, trying to hide the blush from my cheeks. "I thought I missed the bus," he replied while catching his breath. "Oh." I grinned widely. I was so glad I got to prepare for today. 3 years, jeez.

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