Dream Come True

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"You'll never have a chance with him, you're imperfect. You're just a ghost. And perfection doesn't match with imperfection." Katie whispers to herself. She's been dreaming of one guy, and she wanted to be with him. But it's impossible; she says. She's just the nerd in school, while he's the boy who steals girls' hearts. And he stole her heart too.

She stays in school until 4:20 pm, an hour after they've been dismissed. She just wanted to wait for him. While waiting, though, she does her assignments.

Caleb, Caleb's her one and only crush. He's a gentleman inside, but he acts like a playboy. He's smart, too.

"Hey Kates, want to watch more Korean Dramas?" Liv, her best friend, asked. "Oh, sure." She smiled sweetly. That's what people admire about her. She never stops smiling.

"But, we're going to the canteen for lunch, okay?" Katie made an agreement. They eat outside the classroom, along with some of her friends. She picked boys to be her friend because, girls make up issues about a very small thing.

"Why?" Liv whined. Liv wanted peace. And the canteen isn't the right place for her. "Pleaseee?" She begged. "All right." Liv finally agreed.

The reason why she wanted to eat at the canteen is because, of course, Caleb is there. Caleb and his friends.

It was a rainy tuesday. It was dark, which made Liv and Katie happy. They wanted darkness, because they wanted to be alone most of the time.

And Tuesday means she has a club to attend, and Caleb's playing (or practicing) baseball while it was lunch.

They ate quickly, then went to the stage. It was also peaceful there everyday, but today, it wasn't. Karate players were training. And she realized, she has to attend that class because it was part of her grades.

Once class ended, she dressed up in her Karate uniform and went to their coach. They started the class, and made her forget all about Caleb.

Okay, fast forward to when she headed to the lobby. She expected that Caleb left, but no, he hasn't yet. His bag was still there.

Because of her old friends, Caleb knew that Katie likes him. But Katie pretended she didn't.

She sat beside his bag, placed her bag in front of her and started to do her homeworks. Not long after Caleb sat beside her. She didn't notice, she had her earphones on and was listening to her favorite song, 'Waiting for Superman'.

She felt someone grab the right earphone and put it on their ear. She looked over to the right, and there he was. The boy who made her thoughts a mess, who made her daydream in class, and the one who made her smile randomly.

It was unlikely for 9th graders to hang out with 8th graders, since Liza left the school. And because of that, 9th graders never spoke to 8th graders again.

"I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming." she kept whispering to herself. "You're not, you're not, You're not." He replied with a chuckle.

She took a deep breath and looked back to her book. But she couldn't seem to focus. Her pulse was beating very, very fast. "Oh, you're not going to talk to me now." He pouted.

"A dream, a dream. Okay." Katie whispered, again. They were the only ones there in the lobby. "A dream come true?" He asked, and looked at Katie's eyes deeply. "Yes, I mean no." She replied with her cheeks going bright red, as she confessed that it was a dream come true. "Pssssh." He teased.

He pinched her cheeks. This was more than a dream come true. She daydreamed about this, but only him sitting down next to her. Not talking or pinching her cheeks.

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