2 AM confessions

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Annie's PoV

I walked through the school doors with an irritated expression on my face. "Hey, monsterhe-- you look like a mess, dear." Brennan immediately said as he saw me, I ignored him and went straight to my locker, which was beside Brennan's.

"Seriously, are you all right?" He asked with a concerned tone in his voice, as well in his expression. "Obviously not. I'm in a bad mood." I replied.

And now the school day starts.
Our first subject was Science, and it was boring, as always, so I doodled on my notebook. I was still in a bad mood, and it never seemed to go away.

"What are you doing?" Brennan asked. I gave him a simple glare, and that shut him up.

I knew he had overthinking issues, we both have, actually, and it made me feel really bad because he might be thinking that it was his fault that I was irritated.

The bell rang, and it was time for our 1 hour break. We both grabbed our bags and went to the cafeteria to eat.
He looked at me from time to time, and that made me feel uncomfortable. But I knew he was only wondering why I was in a bad mood.

He followed me wherever I went, but he didn't make fun of me or teased me. "I hate seeing you like that." He whispered, which I didn't quite understand. "What?" I turned to his direction. "Nothing," he said, "nothing."
"Yeah, you don't have to say the same thing twice." I snapped at him and continued to walk. Again, I felt bad.

I was irritated because one of the girls that likes him was dropping down hints on Facebook about how I'm such a flirt and to back off. Well, I won't go away from him. He's my best friend, and no one can separate us.

"Oh, hi Brennan," someone said in their flirty voice. I think I know who this is.
"Oh, hey there, sl**." She said with her eyes rolling.
"Brennan, let's go or else I'll slap this b**** right here." I grabbed his hand tight and pulled him.

"Oh, taking Brennan out?" She smirked. "You can't take him away from me."
"I can take him away from you, because he's not even yours. He isn't a doll that you can own." I snapped back.
"He's not going to like it if he's always walking with you." She smirks and flips her hair.
"Annie, that's enough," Brennan whispered.
"Yeah, Annie, that's enough. He's tired of following you around." she laughs.
I squeezed his hand, which was a signal for me getting real mad.
"HE'S GOING WITH ME, WHETHER HE LIKES IT OR NOT! JUST SHUT UP AND STAY AWAY FROM US!" I shouted, which made the whole hallway in silence, even Brennan. I'm the quietest person here in school, so it was unexpected that I would shout that loud.

"Oh, you are irritated." Brennan whispered to me. I looked at him with a glare. "It's f***ing obvious." I rolled my eyes. "Now let's go or else I'll slap the both of you." I gave her a glare. "Brennan, for pointing out obvious reasons, and you, Brittany, for calling me a sl** even though I'm not!" I shouted once more, but it was much lower. I pulled Brennan's hand, while he followed and walked away with me.

Tears just bursted out of my eyes without permission. I ignored them and let them run down my cheeks. I'm tired of bullcrap. I've had enough. Let me have detention, but don't let me and Brennan separate.

He squeezed my hand and stopped. I turned around and said, "What?"
The lump was already on my throat. He removed my grip from his hand and wiped the tears escaping.

I looked down in embarrassment and walked to our next class, even though it doesn't start in 20 minutes. "Now you're embarrassed when you're facing me." He mumbled. I looked back at him, tears forming again, and hugged him tight. I was glad to have him as my best friend.

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