Place to ourselves

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* short chapter because I'm not sure quite how I want this to go yet, suggestions ?*

Word count: 510

'How are there so many dishes from 2 people !?' You think as you begin to wash the second load. " Hey (y/n), do you think that maybe the guy from your dreams is someone you saw on holidays or just walking around ?" Mycroft asks. 'Shit he must have seen,' "well... Actually I figured out that he was a man I briefly talked to about in the airport. But he was so nice so I don't know why my brain portrays him that way ?" You look to him, tilting your head slightly. 'Maybe it's just my depression playing up again ?' You don't dare to suggest it out loud however you can see it written on his face too. "Hmm, I'm sure it's nothin and the re-occurring dream will be over soon. It did last time." With that he rubs my back and kisses my check before heading off.

*time skip*

Your head rolls back to lean against the couch as you stair at the television. Not that you were actually watching it. Your mind was working fast with all these contradicting thoughts. 'What if he just married me and have kids so that his family would be happy? But he told me he loves me. Why is he talking so much about the dream unless he thinks it's not normal ? Maybe he's just being caring?'" Err" you groan out as you shake your head and turn off the TV before grabbing your phone.

-Hey. [(y/n].H]
-Hey sis, what's up? [J.W]
-not much. I was just wondering if you knew any medication that could make my dreams go away full stop? [(y/n).H]
-hmm, I'll check but I don't think any that would go well with your current medication. Why re-occurring dreams of your past again ? [J.W]
- you could say that 😂 [(y/n).H]
-Awww, I hope it gets better soon. Plus you know it's alright as long as you have Mycroft xoxo [J.W]
-speaking of the devil I better go, he's coming down stairs and we have so much to do towards Christmas ! Love you brother <3 xoxox [(y/n).H]
-love you too sis, sweet dreams Xoox <3 [J.W]

"Who are you texting ?" Mycroft gives you a funny look as your smile falters for a second before looking at him. " Just my brother and can I just say, a messy suit on you like that is SUPER hot!" Then you giggle at his reaction before heading up the stairs. "We have the house to ourselves for a few more hours, you know?"

*time skip because of some sexy time ;)*

Laying in his arms you wish you never had to get up. Unfortunately you couldn't because at that moment the door bell rang. "Coming!" You shout as you kiss your husband before heading to get the door.

"Hey, sorry I took so-" you stop mid- sentence as you realise the person standing before you isn't your daughter coming back.

Darling ,that's absurd ! (Sequel to 'Try not to bleed out....') [completed]Where stories live. Discover now