Periods ?

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*shortish chapter this time, hopefully You all enjoy ! I'm going to make a funny and light-hearted chapter next ☺️*

Word count: 673

"Right this way, miss (y/n) only woke up recently and is still a little on edge but I'm sure she'd be delighted to have visitors." The nurse had said as we walked down the halls. Upon opening door, I see Sherlock and John are already at her side. Her favourite flowers and notebook placed beside her. Jacob and Scarlet ran to (y/n)'s side while Stacy stood back and just held an emotionless face. She was watching as her mum jolted a little at the sudden movement and seemed more than just a little on edge. She struggled to keep it together as she walked to hug her mother .

As I watched on I could see that (y/n) was weary of everything, from so many people being in the room , to people being too close . This concept broke my heart because I don't know what they did to her, but they broke her.

*time skip* [(y/n)'s p.o.v]

'The drive home was silent. Not that I wanted it any other way. I know deep down that I wanted my family and friends back and to be close to them but now, I'm not so sure. Everything they've done to me.

Mycroft no doubt will have already noticed. So right now I'm just mentally preparing myself for the therapy he's going to send me to, to try and "fix" me.' Turning my head to look outside, I ignore the dense atmosphere I had created. Apparently the kids had grown bored of each other while having only each other for company. Thus they tried talking to me, I tried my best, I really did but I just didn't have the strength. My mental and physical abilities would have to be worked on. ' I need to find a way out of therapy... Oh ! I've got it !' " Take us to the park. I already missed one important holiday and I don't plan to miss the next."

*short time skip*

The fireworks are amazing and the atmosphere would have been nice if it weren't so overwhelming. We shouted happy new year and I kissed Mycroft. 'I hope this year is better than the last.'

*time skip*

After recovering enough we went to "mummy's" house to celebrate a very late Christmas . Gifts were already exchanged because the kids could not wait. John and I were currently catching up as I snuggled into him. " John, I don't thin I ever got to thank you. For looking after my children, it means a lot to me."

*time skip*

"Pass me the salt please Sherlock?" My brother asked. Sherlock shot back," any more sodium and even I'll outlive you." "Here," I hand my brother the condiment while trying not to laugh. " Sherlock that wasn't very nice," mummy had nagged for what seems like the millionth time today. " May I leave the table please?" " yes me too!"
"Everyone can leave when they want, just make sure I know where all of you are when I go to find you again for dessert," Mrs Holmes ensured. At this all the children ran off.

" I don't to hear anyone at it tonight, " he eyes us all" if I do remember I know how to solve AND commit murder," Sherlock tries to intimidate us. " Well be sleeping together yes Sherlock but not in that sense. Even if any of us wanted to it's not proper with children home!" You barked back." Plus, is it not obvious she is on her periods," Mycroft adds calmly. "Excuse me?" You turn to him in horror. ' He's making this worse !'" What ?" He asked innocently. "For someone whose meant to be smart you sure aren't in the social department," you snap. Silence lasts only mere seconds before Sherlock interjects, "Periods are only natural, I don't see what the issue is either?" I close my eyes and take a deep breath before standing up an dismissing myself.

Darling ,that's absurd ! (Sequel to 'Try not to bleed out....') [completed]Where stories live. Discover now