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Thankyou to Animefan271 for helping me to be motivated when I'm not ☺️

*heya~ sorry if I don't upload often but I promise I'm trying ! I'm just a little stuck with parts and have been caught up , with other things going on in my life. Also shortish chapter but otherwise I'd probably write it way over Ahha 😂👌🏻*

Words count:574

"The secret mission I'm doing at the moment is about a man named Stanly Core. Our leader needs him to be monitored. If he tried to leak information, he will be killed. I don't know what the information is exactly, only that Stanly was hiding whilst an exchange was made. He would have been assassinated immediately. If he was not part of the newest project. He's test subject 78. Stanly is the second one so far to survive the testing. " I take a deep breath before continuing." As for..."

*time skip* [Sherlocks p.o.v]

It's been over a week now and I'm starting to feel on edge, made no better by my brothers visit yesterday. Pacing back and forward will hopefully help this nonsense. My pocket vibrates and I  ignore it, it's obviously just Mycroft. 'Another one ? Really Mycroft you're getting desperate !' I roll my eyes but check anyway.

-long time no see. Why don't we take a walk ?
- who is this ? [S.H]
-your best friend Sherlock. I'm sending the hint to Greg soon, better go! Xx -M

I quickly grab my coat and run ' please be safe (y/n),  please be safe.'

*time skip*

"Oh, sorry I was just, Sherlock ?" Gregory gave me a confused look. "Moriaty," was all I uttered before shoving past and striding into his office. "Right, well as much as I know his name,  Sherlock. What has Moriaty got to do with anything and where have you all been?" 'Right I didn't tell him.'
"Phone." He passes me his phone," well, (y/n) got kidnapped right out front of their home and Mycroft put me on the case. Then we figured out she was captured by Moriaty and we all stopped working to find her. Then just a minute ago he sent me a text,  saying he is sending a hint to you. Why I cannot fathom," as I finish i look him dead in the eyes, noticing his clouded eyes.

-23rd , in a 25km radius from the station. Good luck xx -Moriaty

I read this and instantly hand him back his phone before going into my mind palace. How many places have a 23rd in a 25km radius from us now.

- Moriaty texted. [S.H]
- What did he say ? [M.H]
- 23rd, 25km radius from the police station. [S.H]
- I'll get right on it. Text me as soon as you know. [M.H]

*time skip*

-23rd Gerdlin st , north from the station. Heading over now with backup myself . Tell Greg to bring some just in case. [M.H]

"Let's go, we've got a location. Bring backup," I command George then rush off.

*time skip* [ (y/n)'s p.o.v ]

"Wakey wakey! We should have guests arriving soon," Moriaty shouts and I feel myself bolt up from my short nap. '  Wait, guests ? Please tell me it's not that guy from 2 days ago. Maybe it's Sherlock and Mycroft. God please let it be them. No, I can't rely on them I can get out of this.'

[Mycroft p.o.v]

Arriving, we quickly get into position and I order them to capture and kill only if they have to.

Darling ,that's absurd ! (Sequel to 'Try not to bleed out....') [completed]Where stories live. Discover now