Chapter 9

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Zane's POV

The weekend went especially quickly from that point on.  That night mum decided that she didn’t want to cook after all so she just ordered in take away, we sat in front of the T.V. for the rest of the night and watched horrible game shows.  On Sunday, Lea came over again and spent the day at our house, although we watched movies most of the day she made sure that I had my homework done, which my mum was pleased about.  Lea said that she had already finished our project so that meant I had one less piece of work to worry about.

Although she stayed for dinner this time when it got to about seven at night, her brothers stood outside and waited for her to leave.  I was thankful that they didn't come inside as it gave me a chance to say goodbye to Lea without them getting in the way.  As I opened the door she gave me a quick peck on the cheek before running home with her brothers. 

I was getting used to the idea of having a witch for a girlfriend, the fact that she could cast spells and fly on a broomstick, which I still think is a cliché, didn’t bother me even though i had initially freaked out at the idea.

What I was having a problem with was that the whole time she was sat with me; her family was doing what very little they could to stop the inevitable attack which was coming their way.  Lea had explained today that though they had originally been members of the very council which now hunted her, they had been fired from their roles once they contested the rules of their new leader.  Because of this the only people they could rely on was the Fray pack as they were still under Peter's control.

What was even worse was that I couldn’t defend her.  I had no supernatural powers like her family which would be of any use when it came to protecting her.  I wasn’t strong like her brothers or her dad; I wasn’t fast like them either.  I couldn’t conjure up spells that could protect her like her mum or her for that matter; I could only sit and wait for them to take her.  The thought plagued me all night and I was so caught up in my fears that sleep seemed almost impossible.

Because of this I over slept the next morning and foudnd myself frantically trying to make up for lost time.  As I was rushing around the house trying to find my jacket and my biology homework; there was a knock on the door, something I didn't appreciate while I was in such a hurry.  I ran to the door with my shirt half on and a piece of toast hanging out of my mouth to find that  Lea was stood at the door looking perfect as always.  She stepped in and took one look at me before she began laughing.  I got my shirt on and took a bite out of the toast and walked into the living room, the sound of her laughter still echoing as she followed me closely.

“What have you been doing?” She said looking at the sofa cushions strewn around the room, a result of my manic search.

“Looking for my jacket." I replied in a matter of fact sort of voice.

“You mean the jacket at the end of the stairs.”  She stated whilst pointing to the door leading to the hallway.  “I’ll get it for you.”  And before I could even take another bite out of my toast she was back and holding the jacket.  “Anything else I can help you with?”  She asked in a slightly smug tone; that would have annoyed me if she didn’t have a huge smile on her face which dazzled me. 

“Do you remember where I left my biology homework?” I probed with more panic in it than I had realized, but she just kept on smiling back at me.

“On your desk underneath your laptop.”  Just as she handed me my jacket, I ran up the stairs, grabbed my homework and ran down the stairs again.  She was stood at the door, with my bag open for me, allowing me to shove my homework inside before she ushered me out the door.

“I didn't think I'd be seeing you until we got to college."  I said as we walked down the street.

"I convinced my mum to let me walk with you instead.  Didn't take much, she actually likes you."

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