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Dave's P.O.V

Everything was going great for the next few days. Me and Beth were back on track and everyone else was pushed out of the picture.

Eventually I knew something would come up to change that. Everything was going so well...until the night that Beth disappeared.

We're due to leave LA in two days and she was no where to be seen.

We were meant to meet up last night, I was going to take her some place special so I wanted to meet her just outside the hotel she was staying that.

It was stupid of me, I should've just made her wait in her room so she was safe.

But now she's gone and it's all my fault.

My first bet was Paul, he's said some crazy shit recently, but even then I didn't think he would be as bad as to kidnap her.

We've both been looking everywhere for her and still have no clue as to her whereabouts.

"Hey man, I found some security footage you might want to check out"

I turned round to see Paul who had just came out of the hotel staff room. I followed him in to see a set of screens, each with different locations of the hotel displayed on them.

Paul clicked on one of them and rewinded the clip...and there stood Beth, looking as beautiful as ever waiting outside the front of the hotel.

It was 7:02pm, I was a few minutes late, picking out the perfect flowers for her.

If only I was on time then none of this would have happened.

There was a guy lurking in the background, black hoody, his face unrecognisable.

He then stepped closer to Beth when no one was around, placed a cloth over her mouth and dragged her away.

I watched in horror as Beth was now limp and unable to defend herself.

Paul then quickly pointed the the screen on the far left which showed the back of the hotel. There was a black SUV. We could make out the number plate as Beth was shoved in the back and the guy climbed into the driver seat and drove away.

"We need to call the police, we have the number plate, it's our only hope to find her" I said as Paul nodded and got out his phone.

I would never be able to forgive myself if something serious happens to her.

It would be all my fault!

I can only imagine how her mum must be feeling right now.

"Yes, yes thank you, see you soon" Paul said as he ended his phone call and walked back over towards me.

"I spoke to the police, they're going to try and track down the van and head over here with any information, they also want to see the footage too, don't worry pal, they're going to find her" he explained and I chuckled to myself.

"You know we're not pals anymore right?" I said as I folded my arms and leaned against the desk.

"But for the sake of finding Beth, don't you think we should be?" He answered and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll be civil with you, you threatened me with taking my girl away from me. She doesn't want you, it's me, it's always been me" I replied as I stood up again.

"Well maybe when we find Beth, she can decide for herself. For the record you're still not official, maybe she has different feelings"

"Doubt it, we'll see, she'll choose me" I answered bluntly as there was a knock on the office door.

I opened it up to see two cops and a chief police in the middle of the two.

"We have tracked down the vehicle, it is in fact not insured to anyone. We want to warn you that we've had cases like this before...and sometimes the outcomes aren't pretty. But we promise that we're going to do everything we can to find Beth and bring her home safe" the chief policeman said as I shook his hand and thanked him.

I climbed in the back of the police car as we headed to the destination of the black SUV we saw on the camera.

I just hope she's okay.


Beth's P.O.V

I woke up to a throbbing headache and pain all over. I was in a dark room and could barely see a thing.

The last thing I remember was waiting outside the hotel for Dave and then someone grabbed me.

Who would take me? I didn't have any enemies, I mean yeah there's bitches at my school but I'm out here, in LA...I don't know anyone here. As I began to pull myself up I felt a sharp pain in my leg.

I looked down to briefly see that I was covered in bruises, all different shapes and sizes.

I didn't deserve this.

"Help! Please someone help me!" I screamed.

I shouted and screamed until I could barely speak anymore, I was an emotional wreck.

Who would do this to me?

Just then a door opened up on the right and in walked a man in a black hoody. He flicked the lights so I could see that I was in fact in a cell in some sort of warehouse.

I didn't know what was more horrifying, the fact I was being kept as a prisoner...or that I immediately recognised the person under the hoody.

"It can't be...you're supposed to be locked up for life! Especially after what you did!" I shouted in horror.

"Not anymore, those fools couldn't keep me locked up, I'm too smart for that, now I'm going to finish what I started...all I need now is your mother and then you'll both pay for turning me in!"

I stood up in defenders as I slammed against the bars.

"You killed my brother! Your own son! Why would we let you walk free on this Earth, you deserved any punishment coming your way! Heck you even deserve death...you may be related to me by blood but deep down you are not my father!" I screamed.

He laughed heartily as he slammed a baseball bat on the bars of the cell as I jumped back out of the way.

"He deserved it, he ruined our family, I'm going to find your mother, I will finish this!" He said as he stormed out leaving me alone in a dark room once more.

I couldn't believe it, how did he escape?

I was going to die here.

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