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Beth's P.O.V

"Are you...wanting me to choose?" I asked. Paul nodded while Dave shrugged.

I sighed as I walked over to Paul and pulled him in for a hug.

"You're such a good friend...but that's just it. I'm in love with Dave, whether he feels the same or not that's just how it is. But that doesn't mean we can't still be friends. You were there for me when no one else was" i explained I sighed but then he hugged back.

"It's okay, I just want you to be happy, if that's what you want then go for it. But Dave... you treat her right. And if he messes up you know where I am. He's one lucky guy" he pulled back and chuckled. I smiled as I looked over at Dave who had a sheepish smile on his face.

"I feel terrible now" he spoke up.

"But this is a good thing right, don't worry me and Paul are still good" I answered.

"Oh it's not that, I'm over the moon that you picked me not him. It's just...I should've been the one to say I loved you first. I should've told you before you left. I should've let you know how much you actually meant to me. Throughout everything you are the best thing to ever happen to me. And I never, ever want to lose you again" he walked over and pressed his lips to mine. Fireworks exploded again as our lips connected. I couldn't even explain the way he made me feel when we kissed. All I knew was that this is what I wanted, finally I could be happy.

"Ehem" I heard a voice trying to get our attention. I pulled away from Dave to see my mum stood there. I smiled as I ran over to her and hugged her tight.

"I'm so so glad you're okay, your father is going to be moved to the most secure part of prison where he will not be getting out again, im so sorry this happened to you, it's all my fault"

"Hey, it's not your fault, he could've come for me at anytime, we knew he'd be back one day, I'm just glad I'm never going to see him again. We're safe now" I answered as I hugged her once again.

"Hey you girls ready to go, we've booked you a flight on our private jet. No way am I letting you leave my sight again" Dave smirked as he held my hand.

"So you two? You're a thing now? Well it's about time!" Mum said as we all laughed and left the building. As much as I hate the town I'm so looking forward to going home.


James' P.O.V

We had arrived home and I was chilling out on my favourite sofa binge watching Spongebob. I couldn't care how old I am. That show is still great.

"Hey man, fancy ordering take out?" Dave asked as he walked in and of course followed by Beth. Those two have been inseparable since we got back.

"Hell yes, Beth, have you spoke to GiGi lately?" I asked. She chuckled as she sat down.

"James I haven't spoken to her since that huge ass argument we had over you, she doesn't want anything to do with me anymore" she explained.

"Hey I don't think so, I bet deep down she misses being your friend" I answered, she sighed as she slouched back onto the sofa.

"Maybe I should call her" she replied as she pulled out her phone and then left the room.

"What are you up to?" Dave asked. I smirked as I looked back at him.

"Nothing, I'm just trying to save a friendship that's all" I answered and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Anyway, shouldn't you be feeding your cats or something?" I said and he laughed.

"My cats are better company then you anyway" he smiled as he picked up Harry and walked away.

"Crazy cat dude" I said as he left the room.

Life was back to normal. I'm glad we were both rescued in the end. Dave would be lost without either of us. Even if he does have his cats!

Beth's finally making amends with GiGi, Dave and Beth are happy together. All I ever wanted was to see them both happy.

As for me you ask?

I'm great, perfect even.

Suddenly my phone began to ring.

"Hello?" I answered.

"James! Hey man, look we're making a new movie and we want you and your brother to star in it. We know you've currently been against working in the same production but we think this is an opportunity you cannot miss"

"An opportunity I can't miss huh? Well I guess that's it then"

"Great! We need you both to get to Miami by Thursday next week? That sound good to you?"

"Perfect, see you then"

"Thanks James"

I stood up and walked out of the living room to find Dave and Beth making out on the stairs.

"Sorry to interrupt your little make out sesh, but I have some news" I said excitedly.

"News?" Dave asked.

"What is it?" Beth added.

"Get your bags packed, were gonna be flying out to Miami. We're back in the movie business bro!"


Ooh maybe that was a spoiler for the next sequel ;) hope you enjoyed this short story. I will be uploading my next Dave Franco fanfic today so make sure you read that! Love you - Beth 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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