The Break Up

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Hermione's pov

The next morning I wake up, better rested than yesterday. I go out to take a quick shower, no Malfoy today, and head down for breakfast. I sit with Harry and Ginny, Ron nowhere to be seen. Harry and I make our way up for transfiguration and sit down. With just seconds to spare Ron races inside and sits down as well. "Where have you been mate?" asks Harry. "Oh you know, slept in, couldn't find my stuff." He turns a bit more red, and I don't know if it's because he really had to hurry or because of something else. Harry raises an eyebrow at him, but doesn't say anything as well. McGonagall comes in and the lesson starts.

The days goes by normally with no strange things happening. Dinner slowly creeps up, and I start to feel the dread of the thing that comes after dinner.

Patrolling with Malfoy.

I talk a bit with Harry about our lesson with Hagrid tomorrow, we both wonder what he has planned for us this semester. Ron doesn't say much throughout the meal. I go up with the boys and Ginny to the Gryffindor common room. I decide to spent the remaining of my free time with them. The boys play a game of wizard chess and Ginny and I sit on the couch watching them, now and then talking about a topic that comes to mind. I glance at the clock and see that it is almost time to meet up with Malfoy. I had sent him a note that told him we should meet up at the great hall entrance and just make our way up from there.

I walk downstairs and wait for Malfoy. I look at my watch and sigh, of course he has to be late. Finally, I hear someone approach and turn around to see Malfoy slowly walking towards me. "Wow, couldn't be on time if your live depended on it, could you?" I say.

He smirks. "First, my life does not depend on it, and second, a Malfoy always decides when is a good time to arrive somewhere. I'm simply fashionably late." I roll my eyes. "Didn't know you were so much like a girl, though I had my suspicions." I shoot back. He sneers. "I probably know more of being a girl than you Granger, and that should say a lot." I decided I'd be wasting precious air to take effort to say something back and just wave at him to follow me. The first few steps I walk alone, but soon I hear him trailing behind me. It's around 9 o'clock, in half an hour all students have to be in their house's area. We walk past some students and remind them that they have to be inside soon. Well... I tell them that. Malfoy just stands back with his arms crossed and doesn't say anything.

Soon it's half past 9 and almost everyone is inside. We still see a few students here and there and tell them to go to their dormitories quickly. I deduct some house points, but not too much. We're slowly making our way up, checking corners, classrooms and bathrooms to see if people are hiding in there. At 10 o'clock we encounter a few first years who seem to have lost their way, I chuckle at this. The castle really is huge and easy to get lost in, especially for first years. We quickly bring them to their house's residence, the Ravenclaw tower. I just hope for them they know the password, cause those are known to be very hard.

We continue where we left off and walk in silence for a while. We're on the fourth flour and it's half past 10 when we hear some noises at the end of the hallway. I look at Malfoy and he just shrugs. We walk to the source of the noise, when we get closer we can hear some giggles and a sound that seems to be like kissing. "Ahem." I say as we get closer to the pair. "Do you even know-" I stop dead in my track and stop talking when the pair looks up.

It's dark, but the moonlight shining through the window shows me enough colour of the pair's hair to know who it could be.

Someone with red hair and another one with blonde hair.

The giggles immediately stop when they see us. No one talks for a moment. Then Malfoy breaks the silence. "Well this is awkward." The blonde haired girl looks from us to the boy next to her.

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