Chapter 4

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   "Her," Dan looked at Phil with wide eyes. "Phil, that's her. That's the girl!" He seemed so full of joy.

   "Is it really?" Phil turned his head slightly to look at your facial features.
   "Phil, I have never been so sure about something in my entire life," Dan stared at you with eyes filled with life.

   "Okay, sure. But Dan, are you sure you want to do this? What is this even for?" Phil glared at Dan, dissaproving.
   "I don't even know why, but everytime I looked at that girl, I felt something. Something, so wrong, but it felt so right in every way," Dan explained passionately. "I-Its confusing, I'm-" Dan was cut off by Phil's voice. 

   "No, I get it Dan. Well, not entirely, due to the fact that I've never been in love with a fan, but... I get it," Phil embraced his best friend.

   You walked over to Dan and Phil,  Dan smiling at you.

   "Hey," Dan said, blushing furiously.

   "Hi, Dan," You looked down at your trembling hands. Stop getting so nervous.

   You stare at Phil, glancing at both you and Dan, waiting for someone to break the awkward tension.

   "Uh," Dan tried to think of something to say. "Wanna, um, get some coffee?"

   "I'd love to," You giggle, and gesture for your friend to tag along.

   "Oh no, I'm fine, I have more important business to deal with," He/she gave you a wink. "I'll see you later (Y/N), have fun!" Your friend smiles as he/she runs across the street.

   You look at your friend, shaking your head. You look at Dan, who was just staring at you lovingly.

   "Dan?" Phil said aloud. "DAN!"

   "O-oh. Sorry, didn't mean to creep you out," Dan looked down, embarrassed.

   "It's fine Dan," You smile at him. "Well, we should go." Dan gives you a cheeky smile.

   "Yeah, okay. Which cafe do you wanna go to, besides the one we're at now. I hear their coffee sucks," Dan giggled, making your heart flutter.

   "Well, thanks for telling me. And, I mean any cafe will do," You say.

   "Alright, I got the perfect place!" Phil exclaims.


      "Ah, I've always loved the smell of microwaved coffee!" Phil says as he walks into the cafe, earning a few glares from the cashiers.

   "Phil, I don't think you should say that in front of all these people," Dan whispered.

   "Allow me to be who I want, Dan.  None of these people are ever gonna see me again anyways!" Phil laughs at his own remark.

   "Uh, so..." Dan pauses for a minute.

   "(Y/N), my name is (Y/N)," You tell Dan, staring at him straight in the eye.

   "What a beautiful name, better than Dan," Dan compliments you, blushing.
   "Don't say that, Dan. I like your name!" You say, trying to make him feel better.

   "T-thanks. Anyways, what do you want to get? I'll pay for it," Dan asks you.

   "Oh no no no, it's fine Dan. I'll pay, I don't want you to pay for my stuff," You take out your wallet to show him.
   "(Y/N), I'll pay for it," Dan grabs your hands, slowly pushing them downwards so you can out your wallet away.

   "Okay, whatever you say," You roll your eyes jokingly. Dan asks Phil what he wants, saying he'll pay for it as well. Phil didn't deny the offer, knowing that he always pays for everything.

   Dan seems way different in person than when I see him on my computer screen. He seems way more shy and gets more flustered then how I would normally see him.

   After about ten minutes, Dan comes back to you and Phil with three drinks in his hands. Dan takes the seat next to you, and hands you your drink.

   "Hey Dan?" You say after a while of talking.

   "What's up?" Dan looks at you with concern.

   "W-why did you tell me to come here?" You ask him.

   "I-I mean..." Dan pauses for a few seconds. "It's hard to explain. Hell, even I don't know why I did it." Dan looked mad at himself for thinking this was a good idea, making you feel pain in your chest, knowing that Dan thought this was a mistake.

   "Wait, so you're saying this wasn't a good idea?" You look at Dan with pain in your eyes, making him look weak staring at you.

   "No, (Y/N), that thought never crossed my mind until you brought it up," Dan explained to you.

   "O-okay. I just want to make sure, don't be to hard on yourself," You giggle. You, Dan, and Phil continue your conversation.

   It feels like you've known them for years as your talking to them. You have no problem communicating with them, and if you tell then an issue you have, they always completely understand what you're trying to say. A half hour passes by, and you agree that it should be time for you to leave.

   You get up from your seat and grab all of your belongings. You wave to them as your walking out of the cafe.

   "W-wait, (Y/N)!" You turn around to see Dan in front of you, grabbing your arms as he almost trips.

   "(Y/N), promise me I'll see you again. I need to see you again," Dan begs.

   "But Dan, you barely know me.  We only met like an hour ago."

   "That hour felt like a lifetime. I felt a connection with you that I've never felt with any other girl I've met in my entire life. I know it sounds cheesy, and you probably think this is bullshit, but please, just promise me," Dan grabs both if your hands delicately.

   "Dan, I'm just a fan though," You look at Dan in his eyes, trying to make him understand your point. Although you did want to see Dan everyday, you felt as if it was wrong for Dan to be hanging out with a fan.

   "I...I want you to be more then that. Look, I know this is going to fast, but give it some time. A couple of years, just you wait," Dan gave you one of his famous smiles along with his inappropriate wink.

   You giggle at Dan, and nod your head.



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