Chapter 2

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Storms POV

I decided that Wednesday afternoon to wear the necklace and bracelet. Maybe if I wear it than they'll show them self. I had opened the rest of the gifts and got a lot of weird pictures along with guess what? More charms...

I now have five charms for my necklace and bracelet.

A bird, heart, flower, camera, and a half broken heart for my necklace and a bird, key, horse, starfish and the other half of the heart for the bracelet.

I walked into school a bit hesitantly. My black hat on, black long sleeved t-shirt and my regular jeans on that morning. I looked around. Biting my lip.

"Hey there Storm." My bully looked at me with a wicked smirk. I didn't want to challenge him today. I cowered under his gaze. This whole gift thing has me really afraid now and I can't take any risks.

"H-hey..." I mumbled and avoided eye contact.

That made him frown. "What? No comebacks today?" He stepped forward and grabbed my chin. Glaring at me. "And look me in the eyes you brat."

I looked him in the eye for a moment but I just couldn't. I just turned and took off. I ran down the halls. I kept my head down and bumped into people. I got cursed out for it, but that didn't stop me from running for my life.

I stepped inside the boys changing rooms and slammed the door behind me. I heaved a breath and leaned against the door panting for my breath.


A boy was holding a shirt to his chest with a nervous glance at me. I flushed red. "I'm sorry. No ones ever really in here."

"It's okay..." He mumbled and slipped his shirt on carefully. He was quite scrawny if I say so myself. He had the dullest blue eyes I had ever seen like he couldn't find it in himself to be happy or express it. His lips pressed together in a thin line. His blonde hair was ruffled and patches of dark blonde in them. Like it had been dyed at some point but hasn't faded. His gym uniform did nothing for his figure. His long scrawny legs seemed awkward in them.

"So your off to P.E?" I inquired my head at his outfit as I scanned the room to make sure no one else was in there.

"That could be why I'm wearing the uniform... You do realize class was started a couple minutes ago?"

"Yes. But I'm leaving as soon as I get my chance."

He nodded some and grabbed his jacket. "Good luck with that." He zipped it up and stared at me. Arching a brow. I was leaning against the door still.

I blushed again and moved. "s-sorry." I mumbled and backed into a corner as he opened the door. And guess who stood there when it was opened?

The bully, who else?

The kid paled and backed up and stood next to me. I guess he wasn't a fan of the guy as well.

He glowered down at us and crossed his arms. He glared at the kid and jerked his head. Indicating the kid should leave. He glanced at me before scurrying out.

I wonder what happened to him... I looked back at my bully and watched in horror as he closed the door and locked it.

"Okay. Storm tell me what the hell this is." He held a small wrapped yellow box that was opened. Inside was a note.

I frowned and snatched the box from him making a tic form in his jaw as I looked at the piece of paper inside.

Dear Silas,

I believe your hurting someone very dear to me. I ask you don't lay anther hand on him... Or well... There might be consequences. Now be a good little boy and leave Storm alone~

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