Chapter 9

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Sorry I haven't updated in like 2 months! Haven't had my spark of creativity. The old noggin was a bit empty!

Here's a short chappie...


Mila's Point of View

This was a terrible idea.

Why on earth did I allow this to happen?

That was all I could  think about as I sat curled up in a little ball, with my head between my knees, trying to block out the sounds of movement and screams coming from the television set.

Why did I agree to watch the conjuring? I thought I was more clever than this!

I quickly sneak a look to the other side of the room, where Tiffany is currently sitting, bundled up underneath the crook of Louis' arm, her face buried in her chest, while he has a proud grin on his face.

Suddenly a shrill scream comes from the movie, and I swear I must've jumped like a meter high! Niall turns his head towards me, noting my discomfort, places his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his side.

"It's alright love, the movie's nearly over." he tells me, whispering softly so that no one else can hear what he is saying.

I nod and bury my face in his chest, his arms tighten around me, holding me in place.

Hey, I'm not complaining!

After about 10 minutes of constant whimpering and screams, the credits start to roll onto the screen. I notice the name of the little girl from Ramona and Beezus.

"How on earth does such a little girl have the guts to star on such a freaky movie? I mean really!" I scoff. Everyone turns to me, amused that all I had to say about a movie I spent the half of curled up, silently crying, was about a little girl having the guts to do so?

They all slowly get up, stretching to release the tension of the long sit they just had. Louis and Tiffany are softly whispering to each other, a mischievous grin on his face and a deep red blush on hers. Hmm, I'll have to find out what's going on there later on.

 I look at my phone and see that its just after midnight. "I guess we should be heading home now, its quite late," I announced to the boys. I look at Tiffany and we both walk to go collect our bags.

"No ways. It's raining outside, and it's far too late. You girls can just stay here for the night. We have an extra bedroom, if you're okay with sharing?" Niall says politely, smiling at me when I look at him.

"We really don't want to intrude-"

"No! It's okay, I promise" he smiles at me gently, " I'll show you guys the room, Mila you can use a pair of my sweatpants and a shirt, and Tiffany I'm sure Louis wont mind giving you a pair?"

Louis nods towards Niall and Tiffany, while I just stand there. When Niall walks out the lounge, we follow him, down the hall and towards a painted blue door. He opens the door and tells me that he'll be right back with the clothes.

The room was quite big, and consisted of a large king sized bed, and small wardrobe, little nightstands on each side of the bed, two lamps on each table, and a dressing table. At the end of the room was a big window, with a pretty view of the city. To the right of the window was a door, which upon inspection lead to a bathroom, which had a large shower in it.

Niall quickly returned, followed by Louis, holding two pairs of clothing, Each boy handed us the clothing and towels. We chatted lightly for a bit before saying our good-nights and the boys left the room. I let Tiffany go shower first, sitting on the bed while waiting for her. I unlocked my phone and decided to scroll through twitter for a bit. I noticed that I had been mentioned on a tweet? I opened it up, noticing it was from Harry.

@Harry_Styles: Great night with @MilaTheKilla and @Tiffanyis1D. Nightmares for you Mila?

What the F? How did he even get my twitter name? I certainly didn't give it to him! I simply reply:

@MilaTheKilla: More like nightmares for you. How did you even get my username?

@Harry_Styles: I have my contacts.

@MilaTheKilla: Wow, stalker much? Better sleep with one eye open tonight Styles!

I logged off, not waiting for his reply. Moments later, Tiffany exited from the bathroom. I took her place and quickly did my business, showering and getting changed. I tried to remove my makeup the best that I could, then tied my hair up in a bun and returned to the bedroom.

I quickly climbed under the covers, lying down next to Tiffany, looking up at the roof.

"It's weird isn't it?" she says.

"What is?"

"Just the other day, we were fangirling about what we would do if we met One Direction, how we'd fall down and cry, but here we are, lying in the bed, of he guestroom of one of the boys?"

"Crazy hey? I'm surprised I haven't done something embarrassing. oh wait... no... I bumped into Niall Horan and split coffee all over myself. Well done Mila. Bright spark aren't you?"

Tiffany let out a small giggle. She sighs before continuing.

"I really like Louis Mil... He's so much different than what I thought he would be..."

"Well then go for him babe. He seems to dig you as well!" 

"Maybe I will... So. You and Niall? Seems like he's into you as well," she turns to face me, a grin lighting up her face.

"Nah. I don't think so. Why would he go for me? I'm not pretty and I'm not thin. There are so many other, beautiful girls out there waiting for him to catch them in his arms, why bother with me?"

"Maybe he's already caught his girl..." she replies, before turning over and burying her face in her pillow.

I spent the next few minutes trying to understand what she meant by that. I eventually decided I should go to bed, so I got myself comfortable, closed my eyes and dreamt about what it would feel like to fall asleep in the arms of the famous Niall Horan.


So how was that? Comments please!

Your votes would be greatly appreciated!

Please follow me as well little munchkins.

Chante x

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