Chapter 11

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Okay lets get this straight.

Sure, being in the presence of 5 absolutely gorgeous boys is amazing, but there are certain times when I just want to curl up in my bed with a Cassandra Clare book in my hand and a cup of Vanilla tea on the table next to me.

That time is now.

Ever since the coffee accident, everyone has been teasing me about it, asking me to make them coffee but then saying that they'd rather drink it than have it all over me again.

We were all sitting on the couches in the lounge, watching some boring TV show about people cooking for other people and winning money. I think it was called "Come Dine With Me."

"Mila, babe," Harry suddenly piped out.

"Yes Harold?"

"Could you go make me some coffee? Two sugars no milk please," he asked, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Okay," I announced, getting up from my seat next to Zayn.

"Oh No. Harry what have you done? You can clean up the floors when she falls again," Louis said in a joking tone

I glared at him before turning on my heel and walking out the room, annoyed. I walked into the kitchen and filled the kettle up with water quickly before switching it on and continuing to get the cups out the cupboard.

I heard someone enter the room and turned around to see Niall leaning against the kitchen counter looking at me.

"You know they're just joking, right?" he says, looking at me with a soft expression.

"Of course I do, but I don't find it funny anymore. It's been a week since the last incident and I'm tired of being laughed at. I dont like having lots of attention on me and thats all I have been receiving since," I reply, exasperatedly, "but don't stress, I have a plan."

He looks a bit confused at my smirk, but shakes his head and doesn't ask any further questions. Good boy.

I finish making the coffee, pick both cups up and walk back to the living room.

I walked over to Harry and handed his cup of tea, and smiled back at him when he thanked me quietly.

I walked over to Lou, whose focus was on the TV.

"Lou, I made you a cup. Thought you'd want some," I said, smiling fakely at him when he looks up at me with a shocked expression.

"Thanks Mila I really apprecia-" he began to say, before he realised what was about to happen.

"Oops," I blankly said, while I tipped the cup of coffee over his head, trailing it down so that some of the hot substance landed on his stomach.

"Sorry boet. Cup must've slipped in my hand," I wink at his expression of shock and retreat back into my seat, laughing along with everyone else.

"Louis, you just got served, by a chick!" Zayn exclaims in between his fits of laughter.

I laugh at his comment while Louis just glares at him.

Louis eventually got up from his seat to go change his clothes and the laughter died down, but when he re-entered the room, it fired right back up.

"Fine, Fine, Fine. You can stop laughing now. I get it. Mila, I'm sorry that I kept making fun of you and I hope you can forgive me for taking the joke too far," he said solemly.

"Of course I can Lou! As long as you promise to buy me some Nutella when you go shopping next!"

He nods at me and opens his arms for a hug. I got up and walked towards him, before realising that he held whipped cream in the palm of his hands. Nope, not going to fool me, buddy!

"Louis! There's something crawling on your face!" I shout at him in a panicked voice.

He quickly slams his hands onto his face, to try cathc the non-existent bug and fails to remember the dairy substance he was holding.

The entire room bursts into laughter once again as Louis stands there with whipped cream dripping down his face onto his newly changed body.

"I find it very funny how you thought I was stupid enough to not realise the huge mountain of that stuff in your hands Lou. You underestimate my ability to outsmart you."

"Whatever," he grumbles like a 7-year old who just got told off, " I'm going to shower. Again."

I chuckle at his moodiness and return to my seat.

I received high-fives from the boys and a compliment from Tiffany, before we all settled down to continue watching whatever show that was now on.

After about an hour, Louis came back in and sat down with us all.

"What are you girls doing tomorrow?" Niall asked us

"Nothing that we know of, expect for work," Tiffany replied

"We were wondering if you wanted to come with us to a soccer game? Louis' team - the Doncaster Rovers - are playing against Leicester City and he wants to go watch the game. I think it starts at 19h00. We'll leave here at 18h00"

Tifanny and I look at each other and make the decision using our magical best friend telepathy powers.

"Sure, sounds good. We'll meet you guys here and follow you to the stadium?" Tiffany said to the boys.

"I thought you guys didn't have a car?" Louis asks, confused

"We went to one of those rent-a-car places two days ago to get one, Lou," she says to him while smiling.

"Oh, I thought you had just been using the bus to get here. No wonder you said you didn't need a lift!" was what he said back, throwing his arm over Tiffany's shoulder and pulling her towards him for a hug

We made all our plans for the next day, and soon Tiffany and I were saying our goodbyes, giving hugs to everyone (Louis definitely gave Louis a longer hug than anyone else. Just saying.)

We made our way down the stairs and towards our car, and upon reaching the bottom, heard the sound of heavy footsteps trailing behind us. We turned around to see who it was and were greated with the sight of Harry and Louis running to catch up. Harry looked quite out of breath, but Louis, being an avid soccer player was looking as perfect as usual.

They told us that they wanted to see what cr we had rented, to check if it was a cool enough car. We led them to it and they seemed quite happy with our choice of a blue Reno Clio. Quite a nice car if I say so myself.

After saying our goodbyes to them for a second time, we climbed into the car - me driving - and headed home.

"I really like Louis." Tiffany suddenly said, breaking the silence that had come over us

"I can see that," I replied.

"And I know that you fancied him when we first met him and I'm sorry. I just really like him."

"I did, at first, but it wasn't really a proper crush. I could see from the beginning that he liked you and I guess I was a bit jealous for like a minute but I got over it," I said, looking over at her, just to see her smiling at me with a faint blush creeping up her cheeks.

"Do you really think he likes me?"

"Definitely. I mean what's not to like? You're beautiful, smart, funny. Hell, you even have some boobs!" She laughed at my comment but thanked me anyways.

"Thanks Mils. For everything. I'm happy that you're my best friend."

"Me too."

After that, the conversation lulled to a comfortable silence and stayed like that until we got hom 5 minutes later.

We parked the car in the underground parking and made our way up to our apartment. We said goodnight and went straight to our rooms, going to sleep early considering that we had work the next morning.


Sorry for the long wait

Chante x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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