Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of birds chirping outside and a ray of sunshine shining right over my eyes. I guess we forgot to close the curtains last night. Oh well!

I turned on my side and tried to locate my phone, blindy searching for it with my hand. After knocking a few things off the side table, I clasped my phone in my hand and tried to peel my eyes open. Not. Easy.

After succeeding in opening them and waiting for them to adjust to the bright room, I unlocked my phone and saw that I had a message from my Boss :

Hi Mila, I was wondering if it would be possible for you and Tiffany to work the day shift today? Josh got sick and we need the extra hands. You'll get paid overtime. Thanks! - Micheal

Really? Just when I needed a day off. Atleast we're getting paid.

I glanced at the topof my home screen to see the time.

9h45! NO WAYS!

I sat up straight and shook my head, thinking that maybe I wasnt seeing clearly. Nope. The time is still late. I turned to my other side to see Tiffany lying on her stomach, a puddle of drool forming on the blankter under her mouth. Ew.

I placed my hands on her shoulders and shook her gently, muttering how we were asked to work today and that we were going to be late if we didn't get up now.

After the first few attempts, which proved unsuccessful, I stood up on the bed, making sure my head didn't hit the fan, and started jumping up and down, bouncing Tiffany out of her peaceful slumber.

"Wharfs goering onn", she muttered, trying to create a coherent sentence.

"If you don't move your fat ass out of this bed right now, I'm leaving without you. I just got a message asking us to work the shirt today. We have 10 minutes to get ready because we still need to go back to the flat and get our uniforms. I'm pretty sure it's like a 10 minutes drive from here".

"We can ask Louis to take us", she replied groggily, still managing to smile brightly at the fact of being able to see Louis again.

"Yeah, Yeah, whatever. Just get up. I'll meet you by the door".

I quickly got changed into the clothes I wore yesterday, grabbed my bag and walked to the kitchen.

The flat was quiet. Obviously the boys don't get up very early. What lazy lads.

I pulled a chair up and sat down by the kitchen island while I waited for Tiffany to get ready. After about 5 minutes I heard the soft patter of oncoming footsteps and turned to see Niall standing in the doorway, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Hey. What're you doing up so early?" he asked in a croaky voice. Morning voice of the year!

"Uhm... T-T-Tiffany and I have work in 30 minutes. She was going to ask Louis if he could take us quickly but I'm guessing he's still fast asleep?", I replied, trying to tear my eyes away from his shirtless torso before he caught me staring.

"I'll just take you" he replied, starting to walk out of the kitchen to fetch shirt.

"No, no it's fine! We'll just take a bus"

"Nonsense love! I'm already awake, won't be going to bed soon!". He walked off leaving me in the room alone. A few seconds later, Tiffany walked into the room with her bag over her shoulder. I told her the plan and all she did was grin at me in a weird Peadophilish way. What a freak.

"Heey" she whispered in a deep voice.

At that moment Niall walked in bearing a Hollister hoodie, car keys and cellphone in hand.

"Hi!", she squeaked loudly in a school girl tone of voice.

"Ya ready to go girls?", he asked, lifting his eyebrow at her weird behaviour.

We both nodded and at that he walked out, us following him like little lost puppies.

He kindly drove us back to our flat, where we quickly grabbed our uniforms and practically ran to work. Thank goodness it wasn't too far. We got there with just enough time to get changed into our uniforms, grab our aprons and get to the front to start serving customers.

After a long 5-hour shift, we slugged to the back of the store and sat down on the couches in the employees-room.

Tired and hungry, we took our time collecting our bags and putting our aprons in our lockers.

Linking our arms, we strolled out into the shop, decided to just get lunch here considering the fact that we get an employee discount of 20%. Score!

We each got a chicken mayo sandwich with an Ice Tea. We decided to buy the boys something considering they let us sleep over at them last night. We bought them the same meals but with coffee instead of Iced Teas and carried it out.

We walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus. We kept a light conversation going, but it fizzled out as soon as we got on the bus as we were both quite tired.

Once we reached our stop, we got off and walked into the building, up the stairs and knocked on the door on Niall's flat. After a bit the door opened slightly, an eye looking through the crack.

The door closed and reopened again, properly this time, sowing Louis dressed casually in a pair of tracks and a white T-shirt.'

"Sorry girls, had to make sure you weren't a bunch of fans trying to kidnap me", he said, smiling sheepishly at us.

"And what if we were? What would you do then?", Tiffany challenged.

"Well I'd let you kidnap me. Wouldn't mind spending some time with you". He looked towards Tiffany and winked not so subtly. I looked at Tiffany and she looked like she was about to faint out of excitement.

"Smile dammit," I whispered to her.

A blush crept up along her neck and she turned her eyes to face the floor (get it? "My eyes turned to face the floor"? More Than This? No? Okay ...)

He smiled at me lightly, as if only realising I was standing right in front of him now and stepped back to let us in.

We walked into the flat and started down the hall.

I crashed into something and felt all 5 coffees spill onto my shirt. I slipped in the liquid and fell flat onto my backside.

"I swear if this happens one more time, I am never associating with you boys ever again. A girl can only spill certain amounts of coffee on herself before it soaks into her skin."

I looked up to see Niall standing hunched over in laughter. Once he realised I was looking at him, he stopped laughing and offered me his hand to help me up.

I took this as an oppurtunity to turn the tables and jerked his arm hard in my direction. Luckily for me, some of the coffee had inched underneath his sneakers, which aided in making him slipped as his body was pulled forward. 

He landed right next to me in a pool of coffee and his white T-shirt got soaked with the brown liquid.

I ended up laughing as he tried to get his mind around exactly what just happened

"Payback's a bitch," I said as he shook coffee off of his arms and attempted to get up on his own, which resulted in him falling back down.




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Chante xx

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