RWBY and Destiny crossover Vol 1 Chapter 0

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Character information: 

Y/N L/N: 17:  Male:  Human:  Hunter Class:  A skilled Hunter with a quick plan that always rests on his mind in many situations.  As his duty as leader of his Fireteam, he keeps his members in line.  He's a wielder of all Hunter subclasses and has a close relationship with his teammates, two of which are his brothers.

Gonzalo Gomez: 18:  Male:  Human:  Warlock Class: A hot-headed Warlock.  Instead of clinging to books and studies, Gonzalo has more the personality of a cocky Titan, beating the hell out of any enemy is a real threat to him or his friends.  He's Y/Ns' best friend and long-lasting comrade since they had been rezzed.  He is able to use all Warlock abilities but favors using the Sunsinger.

Matt L/N:  16:  Male:  Human:  Titan Class:  A smart Titan warrior, Matt studied through battle, learning his enemies tactics and learned the best ways to deal with a threat, though sometimes losing himself in stressful situations, becoming a reckless, naive, raging Titan.  Mainly only understanding how to throw and punch things, he mainly uses the Sunbreaker Subclass.

Justin L/N:  16:  Male:  Human:  Warlock Class: Justin, a snappy Warlock and is the youngest Guardian out of the four from his looks and the time of his rez.  He is naive and bold, quick to temper, but is, at the right time, kind-hearted.  

In the destiny world:


             I tapped my finger on the armrest within my ship, hearing my teammates argue on what to do since we were all bored.  Gonzalo and I somewhat agreed on going into the Crucible but reminded him that their Ghosts were still dead, meaning that even if we went, Shaxx would have the three of them pulled from the games.  Surprisingly, however, I was able to convince Zavala, Cayde, and Ikora that they could still go on missions.  I told them that I was able to have one of my Exo friends work on my Ghost, giving it the ability to heal all of the team if any of us were injured using a small shard I was able to claim from a few of my fellow Hunters.  However, my Ghost would only be able to resurrect me if I were to do die, not the others.

             As Matt and Justin continued their vocal fighting, my Ghost popped out behind my shoulder.

Y/N: What is it?

Ghost: I'm getting some strange readings.  It's messing with my scanners.

Gonzalo: That sounds fun.

Ghost: I'm glad my annoyance is "fun" to you...

Gonzalo: You know what I mean, you ball.

Matt: Perhaps we should- Wait.  My ship is picking something up.

Justin: Mine too.  What is this?

Matt: Vex disturbance? Hive Magic?

Y/N: No... this is something else.

                A large black hole-like portal opened up in front of our ships, slowly but surely pulling us toward it.  As I tried to pull away from the dark mass, I noticed that I was putting more stress on the outside hull and engines.

Ghost: It's some kind of wormhole!

Gonzalo: Now that's what I call fun!

Matt: But very dangerous, it can tear our ships into pieces!

Ghost: The only way for that not to happen is if we go through it!  Y/N?

Y/N: I just got this thing from Amanda and she'd be pissed if I wrecked it.  *sigh*  I swear to the Traveler if we end up in some stupid time travel crap...

Gonzalo: Who cares!  Something interesting to do!  Hell yeah!

Matt: Let's do it, perhaps we can find something to report back to Zavala with.

Justin: Better be fun...

                We blasted toward the portal, fully accepting the unknown that'd come from the other side.

To be continued...

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