RWBY and Destiny crossover Vol 1 Chapter 4

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Y/N's POV          

                 I sat on the windowsill, looking out in the sky, concealing my usual practice with my Void Abilities while everyone else was either resting or getting ready to rest.  I held the pure energy in my hands, so close to being able to form into a long dagger, only for it to instantly dissipate.

Y/N: It's useless...

                Ghost's voice was then heard in my head.

Ghost: Not necessarily.  You're just not able to yet.  You'll figure it out. 

 Y/N:  You said that last time too. *sighs*  I've been trying to manipulate it ever since I discovered my Nightstaker ability... and that was years ago.

Ghost: Oh.  Well... you'll figure it out... maybe.

Y/N: Ugh...

                 With his voice then going silent, I looked around the room to see if there was any person I knew was awake.  Looking on the other side of the ballroom, I spotted Ruby with that blonde girl from before next to her.  It seemed like they were talking to each other.  Curious, I walked over.

Y/N: Hey there, Ruby.

Ruby: Oh!  Hi, Y/N.  You're still up?

Y/N: Can't sleep.  It's still a little weird for me to do so.

Blonde Girl: What do you mean?  You don't sleep?

Y/N: Not often.  Always on my feet when fighting.  Oh, I don't believe I've got your name?

Yang: Oh, right!  I'm Yang!  Ruby's older sister.

Y/N: Ahh.  It makes sense now as to why you ran over to her before Ozpin's speech.

Ruby: Mhm.

Yang: So, Y/N, was it?  I have three questions for you.

                I sighed as Ruby's face lit up like a Dawning tree.

Y/N: Oh boy...  Fire away.

Yang: First thing's first, do you have any other guy friends?

Y/N: ...Plenty...

Yang: Oooh!  Good...!  Do you have any feelings for-

Ruby: Yaaang!  Stop!

                 Tackling her older sibling, I watched as Ruby covered Yang's mouth as I chuckled from the sidelines.

Y/N: I guess you were going to ask if I have feelings for anyone?  No.  No, I do not.

                 Ruby sighed in relief, getting off of her sister.

Yang: Man... Alright, last question!  What's with the armor?

Y/N: Huh?

Yang: It's bedtime... why are you still wearing it?

Y/N: Oh.  I... sleep in it?

                The two sisters exchanged conflicting looks and then back at me.

Ruby: Why would you sleep in that?  Isn't it uncomfortable?  Why not sleep in pajamas in your sleeping bag?

Y/N: What are pajamas...?

                They gave me a blank stare.

Yang: W...What?  Is Atlas that rough with their training?

Y/N: W-... Oh, yeah, yeah.  They're pretty strict about it.  Same reason why I don't sleep ever.

Ruby: I... think that makes sense?  

(Legacy) RWBY and Destiny crossover  Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now