RWBY and Destiny crossover Vol 1 Chapter 3

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                  Peering outside the widow of my cockpit, I looked into the transport Gonzalo and I flew beside, spotting the red clocked girl, Ruby next to a window, eyeing down our ships.  Waving at her, she waved back, probably unsure it was me.

Gonzalo: I see what you're doing.

Y/N: So? I'm just waving.

Gonzalo: Mhm.  Mhm.

                 I decided to turn my attention to the main attraction, the large tower and several smaller buildings that laid in front of us.  It was hard to examine it from such afar, but it was still a great sight to see. The large tower that almost resembled a castle, the black and green color that fit right into the surrounding area. It made me wonder if we could build such a unique tower within the Last City. 

Gonzalo: So... that's Beacon, huh?

Y/N: A bit bigger than I originally thought.

Gonzalo: True.  But considering it's a school, I can see it resembling a college-like atmosphere, just a little more... majestic!

Y/N: I agree.  But, we won't know until we-  What the...?

                  I tapped my center console, bringing up a hologram in front of me. On it, my ship appeared to be receiving a certain familiar signal.  Pressing a few buttons on the left side of my cockpit, I was able to find out who was trying to contact us.  Two small blue dots appeared on the holo-map, two ships.  Just then, the voice was heard over the local COMs.  There was a small bit of static, but Matt and Justin's voices were heard clearly soon after.

Justin: HEY!  Does this thing work?

Gonzalo: Ow!  Stop yelling!  

Y/N: We hear you.  How's it going you two?

Matt: Pretty good! Try finding us next time, if you would?

Y/N: Possibly.

Gonzalo: Yeah... sorry about that.

Matt: Hey, I see a few landing pads nearby, we can park our ships there and talk.

Y/N: Sounds good.

                  Speeding past the transports, us Guardians were quick to land our four ships, hopping out of them and finally seeing each other together since the wormhole.  Only taking off our helmets, we began to talk.

Y/N: So, how did you two get into Beacon?

Matt: So that's what this place is called?  Well, some big guy and a blonde lady came to us in some kind of airship and asked if we knew you two.  We here a little hesitant at first but said yes.  They then said that they knew where you two were heading and said we'd be allowed to see you if we'd go to a "Huntsmen Academy".  I guess this is it.

Gonzalo: Yeah.  Man... that woman is everywhere it seems.

Matt: You ran into her too?

Y/N: I'm pretty sure we all have.  And we've all accepted the invitation to go the school, so, we're all in the same boat it seems.

Justin: I just hope there's more fighting than book reading.  Not that I wouldn't hate it, but I'd find action more... enjoyable.

Gonzalo: I think that's all of us, Justin.

Matt: Anyways... what should we be doing?

                   Everyone stood there quietly.  Unsure on how to answer, I looked around, then seeing that one of the transport ships had arrived.  But after further inspection, I noticed that a flock of students was going toward the main entrance.

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