RWBY and Destiny crossover Vol 1 Chapter 5

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              My eyes slowly opened as the sun rained down on my three dotted visors.  Pushing myself off of the wall, I stepped over several sleeping bags in order to reach my team.  Once I approached, I realized they were still sleeping, their armor off and their bodies tocked softly in their own sleeping bags.  

Y/N: Hm.

              Summoning a random hand cannon, I shot it up at the ceiling, instantly waking them and almost everyone else in the ballroom.

Matt: Hit the deck!

Gonzalo: Five more minutes...

Justin: AAHHHHH!

             I laughed slightly as the three got out of their sleeping bags, mumbling to themselves all while giving me quick glares.  Letting them get ready, I exited the ballroom, a few other students giving me harsh looks before I did.  

             Entering the locker room, I opened mine, not very pleased by the lack of space.  Sighing I summoned a very few of my weapons, choosing which ones to put inside to use as a personal vault.  Placing my Eyasluna, Khvotov, and a few other favorites in, I closed the locker.

              As I was about to go see if my team was finished getting ready, I heard Ruby and Yang speaking not too far from me.  Once it seemed they were done arguing about whatever, I approached, Ruby was quick to notice my presence. 

Ruby: Y/N!  Goodmorning!

Y/N: Goodmorning to you two as well.  Ready for today's initiation? 

Yang: Sure are!  Just giving my little sis a bit of a pep talk before we head out!  Do you have any "pep" you can give?

Y/N: Heh.  Well, I could give some information on combat, but... I don't see that as necessary. 

Ruby: I don't need any more information on combat.  I'm good as is!

Y/N: Yeahhh... I said that to myself years ago and ended up... uh... hurt.  It's always good to have more practice no matter how "good" you may think you are.  There's always room for improvement. 

Yang: See?  He knows that he's talking about.  

Ruby: Hmph... Well... how good do you think you are at fighting, Y/N?

Y/N: Well, I wouldn't call myself a rookie.  I've been fighting for years and have been practicing for as long as I can remember.  ...Literally...  But, I've taken down enough Falle- G-Grimm to destroy an army.  

Yang: An army?  No way you've done that...

Y/N: I guess I'll have to prove it someday then.

Yang: Hm.  Good luck with that.

             Just then, I heard three pairs of footsteps behind me and then halting.  My team had finally caught up with me.

Gonzalo: Dude... Don't do that again.

Y/N: All you needed was your armor and weapons... what took you so long?

Matt: Let's just say some students thought it was our fault you shot the ceiling...

Y/N: Oh.  Heheh!

Yang: Who are they?  Friends of yours?

Y/N: You could say that.  Matt, Justin, Gonz.  This is Ruby and Yang, they're sisters.  Ruby, Yang.  This is my team.  Matt and Justin are my younger brothers.  Gonzalo's been a close friend throughout the years.

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