RWBY and Destiny crossover Vol 1 Chapter 6

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Jaune: Guys...!  That thing's circling back!  What are we gonna do?

Weiss: Look, there's no sense in dilly-dallying.  Our objective is right in front of us.

Ruby: She's right.  Our mission is to grab an artifact and make it back to the cliffs.  There's no point in fighting these things.

Jaune: Run and live?  Now that is an idea I can get behind!

                  My void tether pulsed, signaling that it was about to run out of energy, and the ice that Weiss used to trap its stinger was beginning to crack.

Y/N: That thing's gonna break loose at any moment!

Ren: Time we left.

Ruby: Right! Let's go.

                 With everyone sprinting up the hillside, I stopped to look back at the Deathstalker, it's eyes giving me a slight glare, as if it recognized what I was.  

Gonzalo: Y/N!  We have to go!

                  I broke out of my odd trance.  Following close behind, we entered what looked to be a ruin, a connection to the smaller temple that we were just at.  But something larger stood in our path.  Between us and the cliff was the massive Nevermore that perched itself on top of an old stone tower.  Hiding behind the cover of the old ruins, we waited for our chance.

Yang: Well that's just great!

                 My head quickly turned around with the sound of claws snapping, cutting down the trees behind us.  The Deathstalker had broken free and was now on the chase.

Jaune: Oh, man, run!

                 Jumping out behind cover, we ran toward the stone bridge to make it to the cliff and hope that we'd be faster than the Deathstalker and outrun the Nevermore's feather attacks.  The scorpion was right on our tail, merely feet away from us.

Y/N: Matt, hammers!

Matt: You got it!

Ren: Nora, assist him!

Nora: On it! 

                 With Nora sprinting on the ground and Matt hovering in the air, the both of them struck the Deathstalker.  With Matt engulfed in flames, he threw his flaming hammer of sol, unleashing a mass amount of flames where they made an impact, and Nore, firing several of her grenades from her grenade launcher, stunning the beast to buy us enough time to run across the bridge. But we were far from quick.  With a swift swoop, the Nevermore crashed through the bridge, tearing it apart and splitting us all up with me hurdling off the now destroyed structure. 

Y/N: Ghost?

Ghost: On it!

                  With a burst of light and a loud bang, my ship soared under me, allowing myself to take hold of the front part of the left wing.  Steading on the hull, I summoned my Thunder Lord, raining down arc bullets as Ghost and I soared above the main battle.

Y/N: Ghost! Pass by Gonz and the others!  The closest part of the cliff! 

Ghost: Understood!

                  Getting as close as possible without getting in the line of fire from the Nevermore, I jumped off the hull of my ship, continuing to fire at the flying beast as it attacked us. 

Matt: This stupid thing won't let up!

Gonzalo: Y/N!  What's the plan?!

                   I thought for a moment, trying to think of any possibility to fight this thing with ease.  But not completely understanding the fight pattern or weaknesses, it was tough to come up with a solid plan. 

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