RWBY and Destiny crossover Vol 1 Chapter 1

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          My team and I were still within the wormhole as I was currently unable to get the communications working. I looked to my left and right only to see that my team had vanished. Suddenly, I exited the wormhole, finding myself quickly descending and crashing into a forest.  Kicking open the cockpit, I jumped out of my ship, questioning Ghost has I assessed the damage.

Y/N: Ghost? Where exactly are we?

Ghost: I... I have no info on this place. We could be on another part of Earth for all I know.

Y/N: I guess we could look around for the others.

          As I finished my sentence, I heard a loud growl behind me.  I rolled to the side, summoning my sword, Light Eater, examining it as it did the same to me.  The beast resembled a bear in some ways.   It wore crimson red eyes, large and small patches of white armor in various places and the rest of it was covered in black fur.  

              It quickly charged toward me, but the attack was easy to read, allowing me to side set to the right and slice it in two from the right, killing it instantly.

Y/N: I don't believe we have any bears with red eyes in the Vanguard Data Base.  What was that thing...?

Ghost: We're definitely NOT on Earth.

Gonzalo's POV

                  With my shotgun in hand, I paced down the weird red leaved forest in search of my team.  I could feel that someone was close, so it wouldn't be long before I ran into somebody.  As I walked, I heard the engine of something above me, only to look up and see a model of aircraft that I'd never seen before fly ahead.  Chasing it up a hill, I could make out the small structure of a city.  As I was about to go toward it, I looked down the hill, spotting Y/N below.

Gonzalo: HEY! Y/N!


                Swinging around, I saw Gonzalo waving his hand up a hill behind me, slowly walking down it.  Once we were close enough without yelling, I spoke.

Y/N: Hey Gonz. Got any idea on where we could be?

Gonzola: I got nothing... Looks too nice to be Earth, so it can't be that.  And I'm still unable to connect with the others. But I did see a ship fly West of here.  Perhaps we can check out where it was going?

Y/N:  Lead the way.

               After hours of walking and failed attempts at trying to contact our team, we were greeted by the sight of a large city.  It wasn't anything like The Last City or anything we had known about our culture.  Out of causion, we decided to unequip our armor, using the casual clothing that we hardly wore.  We only used them if we ever wanted to go around the Last City since some citizens had many opinions about Guardians.  Some embracing, and some hostile.

Y/N: Okay... now that, that's out of the way, I think it'd be best for us to split up.  We don't know this area.  If we split up, we can cover more ground.

Gonzalo: So like that time we ended up in the European Dead Zone?  

Y/N: Exactly.  Just act normal and keep your COMS on.  We can't risk it.

Gonzalo: Understood.  Good luck, boss.

                  We split, heading in our own directions.  Thankfully, it was quite dark out, so not many citizens wandered the streets.  It felt odd, being in an unknown area in unknown space.  A part of me wondered if we went back in time or someplace entirely that held humans.  Questions ran through my mind Do Guardians exist here?  Do they know about our existence?  Have they encountered the Traveler?  Are there forces of Darkness here like in Sol?  So many questions.  Zero possible answers.  

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