RWBY and Destiny crossover Vol 1 Chapter 2

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                 My eyes opened, still tired, but willing to press on.  Getting to my feet, I stood on top of the roof that Gonzalo and I decided to use as a temporary sleeping spot. Looking down a few feet in front of me, I saw Gonz, lying on his gut and snoring loudly.  Sighing, I walked over and nudging him with my foot, waking him up quickly.  His Warlock helmet shifted, looking at me.

Gonzalo: Five minutes...?  Please?

Y/N: Perhaps later.  It's late morning, we should get moving to the ship.

Gonzalo: Ugh... Understood, boss.

                As he began to fully wake himself, I looked over the horizon, seeing that the sun had just broken fully into the sky.  Pulling out my Ghost, I questioned him if he had any updated information on where everyone was.

Y/N: Anything from Justin and Matt?

Ghost: Not entirely.  There was a faint signal last night from a Vanguard like signal.  I believed it was them, so I tried to make contact, but by the time I did, the signal was gone and vanished.

                Gonzalo pitched in.

Gonzalo: Probably a glitch.  None of us use Vanguard signals.  

Y/N: True.  Well, whatever.  Let's just hope they find us sooner rather than later.

(In Another Part of Vale)

Justin: *punches control panel*  Come on!  Why are these COMS so trash?!  

Matt: Dude, stop freaking out and just find the right signal... 

Justin: What do you think I'm doing...?  I don't know why these Vanguard signals are popping and then going away.  ALL I WANT IS MY G-NET SIGNAL.

Matt: Perhaps they aren't trying to signal us.  Ghost most likely is still trying to find the location of where we are.

Justin: OH!  Got it!

                The Warlock pressed several buttons within his hovering ship, finding the Light signatures of his team.

Justin: Found ya!

Matt: Hey, uh, bro?

                He looked up at the Titan.

Justin: What?

Matt: Is that ship coming toward us?

(Within Vale: near the Student Transport Ships)

                 With our more casual clothes on, we blended in with the mass crowd of students.  Smiles from all people and laughs of joy as they bled into the ship.  It made me chuckle, reminding me of the times of when some schools in the City let kids play around with Guardians whenever they traveled down into it.  They were excited to meet their heroes, their protectors.  

                 Everyone now within the ship, Gonzalo and I stuck to the back, talking between ourselves.

Gonzalo: This place is pretty crowded...

Y/N: Quite.  Very slow too.  Whatever... Say... if Matt and Justin were able to find us, do you believe Ozpin would allow them into the school as well?

Gonzalo: Only way to find out is if they turn up.  He seemed like a nice guy, I'm sure he could pull a few strings.  Besides, we're like, you know, Guardians?

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