RWBY and Destiny crossover Vol 1 Chapter 13

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Third Person POV

Matt: Nothing?

Gonzalo: No signal from his scroll, might be doing his "hide and seek" thing again.

               It had been two days since Blake and Justin went missing.   From what Y/N told his two other teammates about the reason Blake ran, the Warlock and Titan thought it to be too coincidental that she and Justin disappeared on the same night.  They came to the conclusion that the two left together for whatever kind of reason.

Y/N: Just try and lock a signal onto his armor. If you're right about this, if we find him, we find Blake as well.

               Matt swiped his datapad, leaning his head back against the wall as he tapped it several times until he finally got a lock on something.

Matt: I think I got it.

Gonzalo: Seriously?  That quickly?  I was trying that several times yesterday... and the day before that.

Matt: Not a location though, just a signal strong enough to contact him. Let's see...

               He tapped the screen once more, a soft humming sound emitting from the device. The three waited patiently until another noise was heard coming from Justin's bed. The Hunter looked at the Titan, only shrugging at his glance.

               Walking over to his bed, he lift up the covers to find the young Warlock's helmet ringing.

Gonzalo: Oh... crap...

Y/N: Well... I guess we're gonna have to continue to search the hard way then...

Gonzalo: I'll call Yang.   We can head out looking in an hour or so.

Matt: It's five in the morning.

Gonzalo: Hey, this guy over here woke you and I up two hours ago.   I think waking up at five in the morning is a courtesy over that.

Y/N: Whatever, just get them up at some point and we can start looking.

               An hour passed, Gonzalo made the call, telling the three members of Team RWBY to ready up. Standing at Beacon's dock's the Guardians waited.

Matt: You sure they're getting ready?

Gonzalo: Hey, Ruby told me they were on their way. How 'bout next time you go ahead and ask them?  Maybe even go and check up on them yourself while you're at it.

Y/N: Would you both quit it?   I've heard enough arguing for the past three days.

               He looked glanced up toward the dorm building in the distance, finding the remainder of the team heading their way.

Y/N: See? There they are now.

               Gonzalo nudged the Titan's shoulder.

Gonzalo: Told ya.

               The two teams eventually met with one another, both of them making their way to the Beacon transport.

Ruby: Thank you guys for helping us look for Blake.

Y/N: Don't mention it.  Thank you for helping us try and find Justin.

Yang: We'll call it even.

Ruby: So, do you three have a plan on how to find them?

Matt: Not exactly.  We just have to have our eyes peeled.  Gonz and I will be checking rooftops, the docks and possibly the shipping ports, which thankfully isn't too far from our second location.

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