In love with my teacher? chapter 12 part 1 of 3

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Okay so i havent uploaded for a while because i was busy with the air cadets.

 Sophies POV:

the day went pretty quick after lunch, the usual stuff happened, I got hit with a volley ball, Miss Sandell trying to push her boobs out to make herself look sexy infront of the boys... pervert.she is quite pretty but she is just to OTT!

Mr Perry looking as hot as ever! damn pretty much all of our male teacher are hot except from Mr Paedo, you can probably guess why we cal him that, don't get me wrong, if Mr Migliore was less pervy , alot younger and more hot then all the girls would got arse over tit for him! Look all the young male teachers are hot, our dance teacher is PHWOOOOOOAAAARRR! His name is Mr Adam Buckberry, he doesnt have a 6 pack but he is on the edge of getting one, i love the way his blue eyes are just slightly covered by his dark black hair, only sometimes though, the rest of the time its spiked up but it has a strand come down when he showes us our dance routine, he has been in the west end so many times! if there is one thing i love more than hot guys and spanish and italian accents it has to be the west end! He is so gental and sweet, everytime i see him he winks at me and gives me a cheeky smile, its probably because of last years GCSE Dance routine that i had to do, I had to to the routine from Dirty Dancing- The final show,and guess what... I had to do it with him! i was bit nervous at first because the dance was all intimate but i started to relax after a week or so when i had extra lessons with him afterschool, i remember when we did the move when Johnny slid his hand down Baby's arm, I was so nervous, i could barely breath! He starred into my eyes..

There is still rumors going round that i went home with him and had sex with him... oh dear obviously it isn't true ( i secretly wish it was!) he is just as sexy as Robert! I hope robert hasn't heard about this, Mr Buckberry is hot but he isn't the guy I love, he isn't .Robert

Me and James cancelled our plan to go out for a coffee because i passed out so many times he got worried and drove me home, we eventually reschedualed it for three weeks on that monday. I was sort of glad, but i felt bad for James I stil really like him but when we kissed it didn't have the same spark that me and Robert had when we first kissed...

I still wonder what happened that night with Robert and Miss Justice.

Robert POV

I stood in the shower as the water cascaded onto my chest, Thoughts of Sophie ran through my mind... NO!  i need to stop thinking about her like this!she is my student, I am her teacher,, nothing more, I was still pretty breathless from running, i've been told that there is a student v teacher school version olympics comin up in 3weeks and i've been entered into the 1800m race along with GillesPerry and 2 students. its about 12 laps around the field. Oh shit! i forgot about Ruth! shes suppose to be coming round to discuss about baby arrangements, god i feel so bad about getting her pregnant, i was drunk out of my head when the baby was conceived, I still don't know what to do... i put my head into my hands and began to bang my head slightly against the wall.

"stupid! stupid! stupid! FUCK MY LIFE ARRRGGGHHH!" i clenched my fist, rose up from my position and threw several punches into the wall. i kept punching till my knucles bled, it started to bleed hevily, i got out the shower wraped a towel round me I hung on my waist lop sided, i ran dwnstairs to the first aid kit ran my hand under the kitchen sink and then bandaged my hand up.

1 hour later

i messed up my hair slightly and put on some of my lynx deodorant, i glanced down at my hand, it stung like crazy but it didn't have an effect on me


thats the door bell!i walked swiftly out of the room jogged down the stairs and opened the door to see the mother of my child standing outside shivering like mad but still managing to have a huge grin on her face, i gave a false smile and sighed

" come on in" i mumbled

" thanks, its bloody freezing out there!" she said as she wiped her feet on the carpet

" do you want a drink or something?" i asked pointing to the kitchen

"yes please, tea will do, milk and two" she replied as i walked toward the kitchen

" living rooms in there, make youself comfortable" i mumbled as i tilted my head in the direction of the living room inidcating where it was.

she wandered in slowly into the living room, sat down and began to rub her belly,

45 minutes later

" You are not thinking straight! we can't do that!" i exclaimed

" Do not bring my bloody hormones into this Mister Robert Harris!"

we had been arguing over the baby for the past 20 minutes she wanted to get rid of it, i wanted to keep it but have nothing to do with it, it may sound harsh but i'm not ready for kids! i would rather loose my job than have kids! I'm not ready, financially. I suggested adoption but Ruth just didn't listen.

 she strutted towards me

" god i love it when your angry!" she exclaimed

Ruth grabbed my head by my hair and locked her eyes onto me, i had a feeling that what she was going to do, i was not going to like.

"Ru-" before i could finish her name she had already pressed her lips against mine

we were kissing, oh lord! i felt terrible! I felt sick all over. i had to stop it, I cupped my hands round her face and [pushed it away. she looked at me confused then looked at the floor the took a second glance at me with an apologetic look

" I'm - I'm so-o-rry i don't know what came over me!"she exclaimed

" i don't want to hear it, just leave please." i said as i opened the door

Ruth grabbed her coat and began to walk to the door i stood in the hall way starring at her, she turned round to speak but before she could i spoke instead

"Good-bye Ruth."I said sternly, with a small apologetic frown on my face

"Good-bye Robert..." she gave a deep sigh and stepped out onto the darkend strreet, closed the door behind her and got into her car, i walked into the dining room and looked out of the window which overlooked the drive, i folded my arms as i watched her pull out and drive off.

"oh lord, what just happened, give me strength to carry on!!" i said as i looked up to the ceiling.

i walked upstairs and stripped down to my boxers and got into bed, this was going to be a long night!

Sophies POV:

It had been about 3 weeks since we had been back to school, Robert and i continued our 'love affair' if hats what they call it , we still glanced at eachother in class and whenever we both had free period i would sit in his room and "study" *wink wink* ofcourse i did do a small amount of studying, but we perefered to talk mosto f the time and kiss when ever we got the chance. i noticed that him and Miss Justice werent speaking anymore, it was rather awkward everytime they walked passed each other, Miss had a break down the other day, her dad died and she just couldn't cope,  the whgole for ran up to her and we had a form hug around her  she all smiled at us as she held onto those that were nearest to her.

guys will upload tomorrow if possible! :) xxxxx picutre of mr buckberry to the top right :)

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