Chapter 1

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Layla's POV
"We're late!!!" I shouted at Barry as we ran across the sidewalk with our metal briefcases.

"It's not my fault you woke up late," he shouted back. We were running to a crime scene. We were both CSI's from the Central City Police Department or CCPD for short. My dirty blonde hair whipped in my pale face as I ran.

"It's not my frigin fault you went to Starling without Singh's permission!" I countered.
I slowed down as we approached the scene. Me and Barry panted.

"Sorry we're late," panted Barry. Captain Singh glared at us.

"Was it your alarm clock Mr. Allen?" He questioned. Barry glared at me.

"Sorry Captain,"I mumbled.

"Did you get what I asked for?" Said Dad( Joe).

"Ya, it's right here," Barry searched around in his coat and pulled out a half eaten chocolate bar. I mentally facepalmed.

"I took a few bites," he explained.

"Get to work," he glared at me and Barry. I layed down on the floor and analyzed the car tracks.

"Getaway car is a Mustang Shelby GT500," said Barry.

"Shelbys have a rear super-wide tire specific to that model," I finished. I looked up at Dad to find him smiling writing down notes. I mentally fist pumped.

"Twelve inches with an asymmetrical tread," commented Barry. I looked closer and saw brown remnants from the tire. As Barry was getting up I pulled on his sleeve and brought him back to the floor.

"There's something else," I said and stood up. I took a pen out of Dad's partners pocket and scooped it up with. I took a sniff and knew exactly what it was. I handed it to Barry.

" Fecal excrement. I'm guessing animal,"  I took out an evidence bag from my coat pocket and put it in.

"My dad gave me that pen.......before he died," commented Dad's partner. I visibly cringed.

"Sorry sir," I apologized.

*Time Skip*

I was in the middle of analyzing all the data when Iris came in.

"I'm ready to see this atom smashing," she said. I could see Barry's eyes light up with love when she spoke. I cast my eyes downward, I liked Barry, but I have watched him love Iris from the very moment he met her at school, I would know, I was there.

"There was a shooting today, Dad needs us to process some evidence," I commented.

"I don't think were gonna be able to make it," said Barry.

"Even though it's your guys dreams," she exasperated. Dating Barry is my dream, I thought to myself.

"Your guys's sad little nerdy dreams. Besides, I canceled a date for this," she took a bit of my fries.

"Hands off my fries," I snatched the box of fries away from her.

"Even from your FAVORITE sister," she begged.

"Adopted sister," I replied, chewing on a fry and she pouted. Barry rolled his eyes at us.

" I'm stress eating. Soon I'm going to be more muffined up then woman," she complained to Barry.

"You look amazing," ernestly answered Barry. I rolled my eyes, Barry has always confessed to me about his feeling to Iris,saying I was one of his dearest friends. Friendzoned much. Iris blushed and looked away. Inside I was cringing.

"Just kiss already," I complained. Barry and Iris both had faces of tomatoes, glaring at me. I laughed at their reactions and shook my head.

"What's so important about this particle accelerator, anyway?" She asked, trying to kill the awkward air in the room. Barry was still glaring at me, but answered her anyway.

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