Chapter 2

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Layla's POV

      After Barry was done being a cute nerd, Dad came in.

"Dad, since Barry and Layla have been working SO HARD, do you mind letting them come to the come to the opening at STAR Labs?" Iris tried to charm him. I was holding my breath, waiting in anticipation.He sighed.

"Fine," he finally replied, I squealed and ran up to hug him.

"Thanks Dad," I mumbled. He chuckled and hugged me back.


Back in Central City sat Joe and Francine West debating the name of their unborn child who was going to be born in about a month.

"I like the name.......," Francine thought for a moment.

"Iris," she finished. Joe knew he couldn't argue with his wife, after all, she was the one carrying the baby, not him.

"Iris it is," he said, pulling her closer to him. They sat in a comfortable silence on the edge of sleep, before the doorbell rang. Joe sighed.

"I'll get it." he mumbled, placing a soft kiss on Francine's forehead, causing her to smile in her sleep.  As he walked towards the door, he heard faint crying and felt his heart pounding out of his chest. He slowly opened the door in anticipation. There he found a baby girl, lying on the cold cement, wailing her lungs out. She hooked no older than a day old, with little tufts of dirty blonde hair and stormy gray eyes. His heart broke into million pieces, seeing someone abandon a child this young. He looked around, making sure no one was around, the gently picked her up, noticing on her blanket was a single name sewed on.

"Layla," he whispered to himself, rocking her back and forth trying to quiet her down. Sadness tugged at his heart.

"I'll never abandon you," he whispered. He looked down at her to see her laughing in her sleep. He walked into the warm house, closing the door behind him.

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