•°•CHAPTER 1•°•

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Jordan went through his files as well as he could, Trying to focus on the task ahead when he was suddenly disturbed by the light knock on the door.

With a frustrated grunt he called for the person to come in.

Immediately a short scrawny blonde walked in looking scared and out of place in the beautiful office.

"What is it now" Jordan snapped not in the mood for small chitchat.

"Ummm I , ummm" the blonde stuttered awkwardly.

"If all you're going to do is mumble like a fool I advice you leave"

"Sorry sir" she squeaked, "Umm someone called and......"

"Tell them I'm busy" he cut her off.

Her eyes widened, "I'm sorry sir but she refuses to wait"

He gave her a long hard stare, "Who the hell is it"

"Your mother"

All his hardened facade crumbled at that.

"Can I put her through?"

He sighed "Yeah"

With a nod she scurried out of the room.

Moments later the phone gave a little ring.

Slowly Jordan picked up the phone, but before he could say a word the caller dived straight into a conversation.

"What is wrong with you" the caller practically screamed, "Is this how you treat me after letting you sit your lazy ass in my womb for nine whole months?"

Jordan let a little smile form on his lips, "Hi ma"

"Don't you hi me you ungrateful little monkey, I've been worried sick"

He sighed "I've been working"

"That is no excuse Jayjay"he cringed at the pet name, "you need to stay in contact with me"

He sighed, "Sorry ma"

There was a pause at the other end of the line, "Sorry?, do you really think sorry will fix all of this"

"What do you want from me then?"


Jordan felt an uneasy twinge in his gut, "Well what?" he asked suspiciously.

"Well there's this little event" she started.

"What event" he couldn't help but ask.

"Well I'm hosting a little party and I hope you'll be able to stop by."

"What's the celebration?"

She paused, "Well I can't tell you cause its a surprise"

"Maaa" he gave a whiney tone,

"I'm too busy for those kind of things"

"Well I don't care you're coming whether you like it or not"

He sighed knowing arguing would be pointless, "Fine."

"Awwww that's my Jayjay" she cooed, "Love you".

He groaned ,"Love you too."

Then the phone connection was cut.

"What the hell have I gotten myself into."

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