•°•CHAPTER 3•°•

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Slowly Jordan made his way outside the town airport a frown on his face as he surveyed his surrounding.

Taking out his phone he made to call his mother when a car pulled up right in front of him.

Putting the phone down he squinted his eyes as the passenger got out, a big smile on her worn but pretty face.

"Jayjay, come give mummy some sugar"

"Mama" Jordan's frown was quickly dissolved as he enveloped his mother in a hug.

After a moment they pulled apart, his mother standing back to get a good look at him.

"Just as handsome as always" she commented taking him in, "Too bad you're not getting any smarter as you age"

"Hey" he placed his hand on his chest feigning offence, "that hurt"

"Well its true" someone spoke up, causing Jordan to look behind his mother.

"Jazz" Jordan raised an eyebrow, "I see you've kept yourself out of prison"

She chuckled lightly, "Hardly" she paused checking her nails, "let's just say I'm a walking threat around here"

Shaking his head Jordan opened up his hands, "Come here you little delinquent"

Coming forward they both shared a bear hug before they all piled into the car.

"So about that event...."Jordan brought up after having to answer about a million questions from his adamant mother and sister.

"Well its actually a charity programme" his mother said, a smile gracing her lips, "Were planning on inviting influential people to come attend so we could raise enough money"

Jordan frowned slightly, "But if I'm here to simply give a donation, why did you make it sound like I had to come by all means" he gave her a look, "I could have simply offered funding with out having to actually attend"

His mother sighed, "I know that" she turned to look at him from her seat, "but we miss you and I thought we could get you here if we somehow convinced you the event was solely reliant on your attendance"

"You can't possibly blame us for going the extra mile to get you here" Jazz piped in.

"Well to be truthful I'm not exactly surprised you two did this" he paused , "I always knew you were a manipulative pair"

"You're not mad are you" Jazz asked looking for a hint in his expression.

"Nope, I'm a changed man" he let out a smile, "I could never be mad at you two"

"Seriously?" They didn't look convinced.

"Nope" Jordan raised an accusing brow, "I am so gonna get you two back for this"

"Should I hire a body guard?" His mum asked stiffling a giggle.

"I suggest you do" He replied with a slight nod as he absentmindedly checked his phone.

"I'm so excited" his mother said a big smile on her face, "Now we can get some quality family time before Jordan gets back"

Her two children let our a simultaneous grunt.

"As if" Jazz let out, "like Mr CEO here would actually abandon his work"

" She's right", Jordan said not taking his eyes off his phone, "work and girls are like my main priority"

"And I suggest you shut your pot hole" his mother shook her head, "to have thought our family was your priority"

"Don't worry mum" Jazz spoke up, "at least now we know just how much of a nutcase he really is"

"Tell me about it"

"Hey I'm right here you know" Jordan spoke up, finally looking away from his phone.

"Like we don't know that" Jazz shot back as mother and daughter burst into a fit of laughter.

"At times like this, I have to wonder how I'm related to you people" he mumbled, a smile tugging at his lips.

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