07⊙ Mandragora

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A Plant Creature of Fertility and Hell

A harsh hiss escaped his lips as the traumatizing scene continued to unfold before him. Draco flinched at the sight of mangled muscles and bones- he couldn't get used to it, no matter how many times he had witnessed Theo's transformation.

He was about to take a step closer to his friend when he noticed a disturbance in the cold midnight air; a possible upheaval of their secret. A gasp, he was sure he had heard it. It was soft, barely noticeable between the harsh shrills of wind slitting in through the walls.

Another sound followed the initial gasp, making Draco tense, his senses awakening to their fullest potential. When he strained his ears, he heard muffled breaths, coarse but thick with moisture. He narrowed his eyes and cautiously walked towards the door, where the strange sounds were coming from.

Cripes, was the shack really haunted? Draco looked around, but he still couldn't see anything. The sniffs had come to a sudden stop, making him question his hearing.

Sighing, he turned sharply to keep his eyes on Theo, who was only seconds away from finishing his monthly torture. His body stiffened when he felt a cool liquid feeling brush against his fingertips, wrapping them in a soft satin of magical energy. Instantly, he grabbed onto the material, pulling away to expose it, or her, in his case.

"Granger," he half snapped and half whispered, "explain yourself." Shocked, Draco looked at the smaller girl, her bird-nest of hair puffed up more than ever, her eyes blubbering with sobs she attempted to silence.

Hermione did not reply. She trembled, her eyes focusing only on her werewolf friend. Theo had fully turned into his other form; a brown and black furred pup. He had lost his human green-brown eyes, and was regarding her with guard, his now yellow wolf eyes gleaming in the dark.

"Granger," he demanded this time. "Say something." In the middle of the room, Theo whined as if to protest at Draco's tone, lowering his head as he sunk into the comforts of his forelegs.

"Is.. is he okay?" Hermione whispered to the blond. "Why is he... so inactive?"

"You know the answer to this already, Granger," sighed Draco, ruffling his hair in exhaustion. "He drank some Wolfsbane Potion."

Hermione nodded, showing she indeed, knew. Shaking off the intent look the blond was giving her, she slowly approached the sulking pup. She saw Theo's feral muscles move underneath his thick fur, his nervousness radiating off his body.

When she stood just centimetres apart from Theo's paws, she knelt down to meet his eye level. "Theo," she breathed, her voice shaky with already shed and more incoming tears. "Theo," she choked out again. "Don't be afraid."

Theo whined once more, rising to move away from her.

"I'm still your friend." Hermione reached out to stroke his fur, her fingers combing him in a soothing way, despite her shaking hand. "Please don't be afraid of me."

Theo closed his eyes, and stopped moving, letting her touch him further. When she felt him relax enough under her touch, she moved closer to bring him into her embrace. "You should have told me," she said. "I would've helped you, Theo! How could you have thought I'd turn away from you?"

Theo sniffed, whimpering slightly as he nuzzled into her.

"...Normally, he speaks." Draco commented from behind. "But it tires him, and he likes to use his energy only for playing during the night."

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