04⊙ Cerberus

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Guardian of the Underworld

From the fateful incident of a troll and a troll-booger covered wand, the leaves had completely fallen, leaving only the bared branches, some bending due to the weight of the snow that had gathered on top.

The lake view seen from the windows of the Slytherin common room had gotten gloomy, with the layer of ice now coating the lake. The lights within the dungeon in exchange glowed stronger, as not to make a difference in lighting of other seasons.

"Stop that," Draco Malfoy hissed in annoyance.

"Stop what?" Hermione barely looked up from her potions essay. It was all a facade, however, as she couldn't force her brain to focus on the work needed to be done. She sighed, rolling her quill around her fingers.

"That," he narrowed his eyes.

"You want me to stop what," Hermione tried to keep back her irritation, sighing once again. She did not need a certain blond prick to disturb her more than she already was.

"Sighing," said Draco. "You're breathing too hard."

She put down her quill and slowly rose from her cushioned seat, turning to face Draco Malfoy, an absolute- forgive her, Salazar- barmpot. "Excuse me?"

Hermione Granger's voice shook with unexploded frustration. "I don't think I understand you. You want me to stop breathing?" She heard an imaginary vein pop, but suppressed her impatience, now fully aimed at him.

"Yes, that'd be much appreciated," he drawled, nestling into the black leather couch.

"Look- I'm not in the mood to discuss your prick-like tendencies-"

Draco closed his eyes and frowned, as if he couldn't bear to listen to her voice. "Even your voice is annoying me, so kindly stop breathing. My ears can endure only so much strain."

"Or you could just go up to your own room," she huffed.

"Theo's not in," he said. He did not see the difference in levels of comfort between the common room and his dormitory when his roommate was absent.

She stiffened. Unbeknownst to Malfoy, who was goading at the thought of getting his now considered enemies Harry Potter and Ron Weasley into trouble, Theo had sneaked out to warn the duo before both of them were caught waiting for a nonexistent match of duel. Hermione and Theo had come to the conclusion, that with the act-first-think-second nature of the two Gryffindors, they would unknowingly walk into what was obviously a trap.

Hermione had nonetheless tried to stop Theo, knowing Harry possessed the Cloak of Invisibility since Christmas, but unable to tell her brown haired friend the secret. Theo had insisted, and Hermione had made a side comment, telling him he should just ask the Sorting Hat to re-sort him into the red and gold house.

Theo had rolled his eyes, still stepping out into the dark and empty dungeon hallway. "I'll be back soon," he had said.

"I'll wait in the commons. I have an essay to write."

"'Mione, that potions essay is not due for, let's see," he had pretended to think, scrunching his eyebrows in a mocking consideration. "For a fortnight!"

She had rolled her eyes, similar to how Theo had moments before. "Just go, don't get caught."

"Psh, you forget who you're talking to. I am the great Theo, the master of all sneaky mischie-"

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