06⊙ Rougarou

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SIX_Year Two


A Human Shapeshifter of Wolf

"Your entrance yesterday was grand, Ron," said Hermione as she hauled her heavy bag over her shoulders. Her books shifted against one another, forcing her to shift so she would not lose her balance.


"Not a compliment."

"I know, I'm just making it a compliment."

Hermione sighed and Theo who was next to her snickered into his sleeves.

"The car was brilliant though," said Theo. He opened the doors of the Potions classroom, revealing a handful of students who had already taken seats. Theo sat down on their usual seats, Hermione plopping down next to him. Ron took his spot in front of him, leaving space for Harry.

"Where's Harry?" asked Theo.

"Morning practice."

"Ah," nodded Theo as he stroked his imaginary beard. "The routine of the young prodigy never fails to fascinate me-"

The doors bursted open again and Harry came running into the dungeon, short of breath and eyes questioning if he had made it in time. Hermione nodded to him, showing him her wristwatch to indicate, yes, he had come in safe, with even plenty of minutes to spare.

Grinning with relief, Harry sat down next to Ron. "Hermione," he began. "I have so many things to tell you."

Hermione hummed, motioning for him to continue with his tale as she began to sort her required parchment and quills for her lesson. Her first class of the year! She needed to be perfectly prepared.

"The reason why we weren't on the train-"

"I've heard about it already from Ron," interrupted Hermione. "You couldn't go past the platform." She frowned. "There shouldn't have been any reason it was blocked to only you two."

"See, that's what I'm trying to tell you, it's because someone was blocking it."

She stopped lining her quills. "What? Who?" What wizard would be petty enough to block two twelve-year olds from going to school? It was an utterly heartless action to take, not to mention horrible.

"A house elf," explained Harry. "He came to me while I stayed at Dursleys', got me into trouble for using magic..." He babbled on about his tale, but Hermione had only caught one word.

"Whose?" breathed Hermione. "It must've belonged to someone- whose was it?"

"It was-" Harry paused. "Hold on, you know about house elves already?" He frowned.

Theo gave a discreet cough, catching Hermione's attention. Right, she supposed it wouldn't do any good to tell Harry and Ron that she had been staying in their enemy's fort over the summer. "Yes," she managed to answer quickly. "Uh, I've already read all about them in books and-"

"-she met my elf, Pinky," helped Theo. He nonchalantly flipped through his potions book, making himself look at ease, truthful and uninterested. "So whose was it?" he probed, for the sake of Hermione.

"Dobby, that's his name-"

"And what relation do you have with my family elf?" Draco's voice was cutting, appearing suddenly from behind as he alarmed the others of his arrival. He flopped down behind Theo, crossing his legs in an arrogant manner.

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