Chapter 14- Pretty Boy Is Who?

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The door slammed behind me which was strange since I was already standing at the ledge. I glanced down at the street lit up. Everything looked so peaceful yet I'm so demented.

"If you jump, I jump." A masculine voice said behind me. I turned around my hair blowing in the wind to see a boy with tattoos all over his arms and neck. A boy I had never met before was vowing he would take his life if I took mine.

"Very sweet,"I smiled sarcastically until I began to get self conscious and wondered if he could tell I was crying.

"Don't cry, darling." He begged opening his arms as he stepped closer to me. Suddenly I realized I was wearing a night gown outside in September. The crisp night air brushed against my skin causing goosebumps. I stepped away from the ledge collapsing at the seams. I ran into his arms although I didn't know who he was. He was here to comfort a crying girl who was about to jump off of a building; that's all I need to know.

I choked back another cry gulping down air that was thick and heavy around me, "Why did you come after me?" I wondered aloud holding on to him.

"My mom taught me always to treat pretty girls extra nice." He stated also refusing to let go I could tell by the grip he had on my waist.

"Well, I suppose you're one of the tumblr blogs that became smooth as fuck." I joked thinking back to Scarlet. Who was probably trapped in her- I need to go find her. "I have to go." I said pushing him off of me and dashing towards the stairs.

"What's your name, darling?" He questioned.

"Stacey!" I yelled back running down the stairs to my studio apartment.

"When can I see you again," he said following me down the stairs.

"In your dreams sweet cheeks," I replied running through the door that lead me into my floor. I turned and saw no-name smirking as I entered my apartment. I stared down at my friends and Felix who were sprawled out on the floor wearing only their bra and panties. Well, except for Monique who was on the couch passed out with Alec staring dreamily at her. It was adorable.

"What took you so long?" Scarlet asked getting off the floor and jumping onto the counter. I glanced nervously down at my slippers. If it weren't for pretty boy I would be splattered on the concrete. Scarlet grabbed my hand and walked me to her room.

"Blake and Blaze are disgusting cheaters. Alice and Genevieve are backstabbing bitches." She stated, Alec must have explained it a all to her.

I thought about telling her everything that happened but decided to keep it to myself, or maybe just twist it a little bit. "After finding out I needed some fresh air and some boy comforted me. That's all that happened." I stated she hugged me.

"Remember our pack?" She questioned immediately I got up and walked her towards my bedroom. I picked up the untrustworthy razor and broke it into piece and flushed them down the toilet. Although I was unsure they would cause it to back up it didn't.

A knock at the door caused me to perk up hoping it was Blake coming to apologize. I knew it wasn't but I still rushed to the door. I swung the door open to see pretty boy standing there. "What do you want?" I asked when I saw the pleased expression on his face.

"I came to return this." He said holding up my phone that I hadn't even known I had dropped.

"Thanks." I responded.

"Who's at the door?" Scarlet chimed in wrapping her arms around my waist and looked up at sweet cheeks and her jaw dropped. Her jaw never dropped for a boy either this guy was uber sexy or- "Theodore?" She wondered aloud cutting my thoughts off.

"Scarlet?" He asked turning a shade of crimson red. The entire time of being friends with Scarlet I knew she had never dated a Theodore. Scarlet let go of me and hugged him by letting go. "I missed you sis." He muttered. Then all the pieces came together it was Scarlet's older brother who I hadn't met that much and last time I saw him he had blonde hair not black and lacked tattoos.

My eyes widened as I realized I disobeyed the one friend code to do with family 'Don't get romantically involved with another's family.'

"I missed you too." Scarlet said as she let go of her brother. Turning to me she said, "you have my blessing." I could just see the red on my face Scarlet turns me scarlet. 

"Thanks," Theodore says handing me my phone. "I better get back to my girlfriend," he quickly adds and rushes down the hallway. I shut the door and sat on the couch. 

Not late after that scenario the boys left and we all fell asleep in crazy weird positions.


I know it's super short but I had to update it. On the side is Theodore yes that is punk Logan Lerman. 

Love you, Gabby

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