Garden ; 11

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Finn and Millie walked about fifteen minutes to where he wanted to take her.
They went into the woods behind and abounded house.
Their footsteps made a satisfying noise as they stepped on twigs and rocks.
It was super quiet; Finn knew she liked when it was peaceful and calm.
They reached their destination.
He said, grabbing her hand pulling her up onto the giant rock, outlooking the different colored plants.
"is my secret garden."
There were so many flowers and trees of each shapes and sizes, and also a river.
"It's-" she began.
"Beautiful, huh?" He just stared at her.
"No, even more." She turned to face him, then smiled.
"I only come here with people I like, like a lot, or people that I'm not scared to open up to." He faced the trees swaying in the wind again.
I wonder who else he brought here.
Millie wondered who else he brought because she thought she was the only one.
"Who else?"
He jerked his head around fast to face her, "Huh?"
"You know, who else have you brought,"
"Besides me."
"My old dog, pup." She noticed Finn getting a little sad, and it was almost like he had to choke out the words.
"That's it?"
"Yep," he twiddled with his thumbs getting flashbacks of his dog.
"You okay?" Millie didn't want to see her boy sad; she couldn't stand it.
"Yeah," she had noticed he sighed quietly, then continued, "he was a great companion. I do miss him a lot. He was there for me when no one was, but now I've got you, someone who actually likes me."
I feel bad.
"That was about a year after my dad killed my mom and I had no where to feel safe so I just ran away."
She patted his back and pecked his cheek quickly.
He smiled, broken, but sincerely.
Finn noticed some daisies near his feet.
Millie was still focused on the beautiful scenery.
He picked the daisy and tapped her shoulder, holding it in his hands near his stomach.
"Yeah?" she faced Finn
"For you," He passed Millie the daisy, "I hope you like it. Daisies take about two months to grow. I grew it for someone special and I wanted to give it to a person whom I cared about deeply when it finished,"
How romantic!
She admired his knowledge for flowers and thoughtfulness.
"Thank you." She sniffed it and grinned, putting it gently in her pocket.
"I'll keep it there, so whenever you're not around I'll look at it and remember you."
He just looked at her and everything she did; eyeing the daisy.
She bit her lip, wanting to kiss him, but afraid to make the first move.
Yeah, she had pecked his cheek but it didn't really mean anything.
"Finn," she said grabbing his attention although it was already being payed.
Millie leaned in and he knew what she was doing.
She kissed him rougher than usual, it was something different that he'd enjoy.
They were breathing heavy, and at this point Millie's lipgloss was around his lips and hers.
It was about fifteen good seconds until they both pulled away, panting.
But there was not a lot of time in between the next kiss and that one, so he put his hand on her cheek and passionately kissed her.
She grasped onto his hair, and he didn't want to do anything too drastic so he pecked around her face near her neck.
They had both decided that was enough for today even though they wanted to continue.
"I do love my girl." He smirked.
"And I love my boy." She wiped the lipgloss from around his face.


I don't think this is too much,
if you do then I'll stop but remember they are portraying older characters and most sixteen year olds (at least that's how I imagine it) do this stuff so don't be like "oh my god stop sexualizing children". I'll stop if it gets too much bye

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