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Alexander Hamilton POV

I get to my dorm. I never been to. This will be my first year. I hope I have a nice roommate. Before I walk in I hear, someone shouting at someone else. Before I could listen, because that's the type of person I am, the door opens. This man looks me up and down makes a noise that suggest he's not pleased. He walks away and I look in the door way. A man, older than me, waves with a kind half smile.

"Hi I'm John, John Laurens." He says while coming closer to me. I step in as he keeps getting closer. He stops a few feet in front of me and holds out his hand.

"Alexander Hamilton." I say as I take his hand.

"Well wlecome Alexander! I'm guessing you're a freshmen?" He asks.

"Yeah I am." I respond. It gets quiet for a few seconds.

"That was my dad, he's kind of an ass."

"Beleive me I know what that's like." I mutter.

"So what do you like I'm a junior so I know where a killer coffee shop is,along with restaurants, and all sorts of things!" He sounded extremely enthusiastic considering.

"Eh. I like mainly anything , I like history and that stuff."

"Okay. Well I'm going to meet with some friends you want to come?" He said with the most perfect smile that I couldn't say no to.

"Why not?" He smiled and went to go get his jacket.

"So the friends I'm meeting up with their names are Lafayette and Hercules. Layfayette is a junior like me he's french and his english is kind of iffy, but it's gotten better. Hercules big dude he's a junior. He says that nothing is going on between those two, but if you ask me I think they make a great pair. Speaking of it seems like everyone of my friend's are gay not that I have anything against that seeing as I to am gay, but what are you?"

"I'm bi." I say kind of thrown off by the question, but he acts as if it was just some other day. He also said all of this after I put my stuff down, we left the dorm and walked half way down the street.

"Cool. We're almost there do you have anything you need to tell me? Or is anything bothering you? Do you wanna know more about them?" He asked.

"Why are you so nice to me?" I asked kind of looking down not sure what his face would look like.

"What do you mean, why wouldn't I?" I wondered if he was offened, his voice sounded genuin.

"I don't know I guess I just never had a friend I guess is the word I'm looking for."

"Well you're stuck with me the rest of the year and I'm stuck with you we kind of have to get a long." He chuckled a bit at the end, "My last roommate" he whistled as we walked into the coffee shop. I chuckled a bit at his exaggerated whistle.

We walked over to a table with two other guys sitting there talking. They looked up from their conversation and smiled at John and then turned their heads to look at me.

"Who's the kid?" The bigger man which I am assuming is Hercules.

"Alexander Hamilton." John answers for me. I wave.

"Welecome Alexander I'm Hercules this is Laf." I look over at the man I would've called a women at first glance. Regardless I wave at him to.

"One more thing Laf is gender fluid so instead of saying his or her say them or their." John whispers in my ear I nod.

"Well I will go get our coffee. Alexander do you want anything?" Hercules asks me and me having the worst social anxiety shake my head no. John to the left of me mouths something to him.

"Hey Layfayette Je parle couramment français à." They looked like they were judging me before, but they smiled at me and so did John.

Hercules comes back and sets all four coffees in front of us. John hands me the fourth one.

"John I didn't-"

"I told him to get you one" John says.

"Fine but I'm paying you back." I say but John rolls his eyes.

We all chat and catch up for a couple hours until the coffee shop is closing. We all four walk back to the dorms together, and then we all go our separate ways. Except for me and John who obviously can't because we have the same room.

"That was fun," I comment "thanks." I say

"No problem" John smiles.

We both sit quiet in the room I am obviously typing away. I don't notice what John is doing until he goes out the door. I finish my sentence quickly and look up. I get up to see if he left, but he just comes right back in. He was frowning for a second, but then relised me and smiled.

"You okay?" I asked. He nodded.

Sorry that was so short, I usually do one-thousand words. Anyway hope you enjoyed chapter one. Also if you habe art credit can you comment it.

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