Was It

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Still Alex's POV

   After school, which was awful no one talked to me, and I got called out for not speaking, I noticed John ran to the dorm. I walk to the dorm, because he was probably running to get away from me. When I walk in the door I notice that John has a suitcase out.

"Switching dorms?" I asked he stood in his place. I felt like we had just broke up.

"My dad won't pay for my education here anymore..." He's been crying. He turns to me and hugs me. I didn't know how I felt about him leaving until he hugged me.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" I ask as we pull away he nods. We stay like this for what feels like forever until we heard footsteps.

"Hide." He whisper shouts at me and throws me in our little closet.

   His father storms in.

"Is that bastard anywhere to be seen?" He says.

"No" John says so quiet I can barely hear him.

"Okay. I expect to see you on the streets either here or in south Carolina. Bye. Never talk to me again and I will be watching that door." John's dad walks towards the door, but turns aroud and hits John one last time, "and whenever I see you. You will be abused." He says finally and walks out. John doesnt get up. 

"Hes not doing anything for you..." I say "I wont let this stand anymore Laurens!" I yell at him coming out of the closet. (<-- puns)

"Don't yell at me!" He shouts "You are the only person who has never made me feel like crap until now! I'm done with it! What do you want me to do beg my dad? Well guess what Alex ever since you've kissed me my dad wants me dead! And you know what I don't blame him! I wanna die to! And you- I think you were the only person keeping me on this God forsaken Earth." Laurens says which leaves me speechless.

John's POV

   Alex is speechless. Him speechless. The man I knew had so much to say. I turn around and notice my dad took my suitcase. He doesn't want me to have anything. I look at my turtle, he will be better here. I walk towards the door, but remember my sleeping pills on my bed. I turn and hug Alex and reach my sleeping pills. He doesn't need to know what I'm about to do. I walk out.

   I walk to Laf and Herc's.

"Guys I'm leaving, but theres one more thing I need to do before I leave and I need some paper and a writing utensil." I ask.

"Wait you is leaving? Why?" Laf asks.

"My dad wont pay for my education. Don't worry I will come and visit." I lie. Herc hands me the pencil and papers. I think them, apolgize for rushing, and leave.

   I write. I feel like Alex. I write to Laf thanking him for everything and apologizing for everything I did. I do the same for Herc and tell him to confort Laf. Then Alex theres so much I want to say for him. I write everything I went through that involved him my feelings, my actions, and what I wish he will do I end it and told him it was worth it, everything was worth it for him. I think about erazing the last part, but I don't. I don't think about what I will do I don't think about what will happen next. I think about what makes me happy. I think of what will come next as I empty the pill bottle into my hand and swollow all the pills one by one. I think about my mother. I think about my father. I think about my friend's and finally as I slowly drift off in an alleyway, I think of Alexander...

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