Thank God You're here

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  John's POV
   "You okay?" Alex's smooth voice consumes me. I nod. He looks at me in disbelief.

    He looks me dead in the eye and says "No you're not." I stop smiling and something in me breaks as I fall to the floor and Alexander is there to catch me.

    "What's wrong?" He questions me, but I am not sure what I should tell him, I can't lie to him. I feel like crying and I feel pathetic. I push him away like I do with everyone in my life and run. Alex tries to follow me, but stays at the dorms.

Alexander's POV

   I debate running after john. I want to, but he's so quick and I'm not sure if I could catch up with him. I decide to wait he will be back. I texted Laf and Herc and they said they didn't know any thing so the best thing for me right now is to wait. Screw waiting.

   I run out the dorm. I look for where he could've ran. I first go to the coffee shop,then I ask Laf and Herc where he could've gone. They text me saying he came to their dorm. That could've saved me 5 minutes.

   I go back to my bed and get in my pajamas. About thirty minutes later John comes back. I let him sit down before he can run away... again. I walk over to his side of the room.

   "I would ask you if you were okay, but I know you would say yes." He looks up at me and smiled.

   "I'm fine I promise it's nothing that I haven't gone through before." I stare at him.

   "Okay. Then what do you usually go through?" I ask as I sit down on his bed.

John's POV

   Alexander sits down on my bed now I know he won't leave me be. I groan internally. I look down instead of at him.  "Stress-"

   "Like everyone else?" He cuts me off and questions.

   "Yes." I pause seeing if he will cut me off "Frustration-" I continued but again I was cut off.

   "Mentally or sexually?" He questions.

   "I don't know, both?" 

   "What are you frustrated about?"
   "School,my father, you." I finally look at him. He looks in my eyes and for that moment time stopped, his hazeled spark eyes with peices of the world in them.

   He looks away first "What about me frustrates you? Because I can try to change it and try to make your life better what can I do?"

   "It's not you." Is all I say, as I look down again.

   "What else? What about your father?."

   "I'd rather not talk about him." I say still looking down.

  "Found your problem." Alex says as he gets up. "Goodnight" he says I'm still confused... should I be offended?

   "Goodnight." I reply. I kind of wish he was still sitting on my bed. I miss his company. Even though he is literally ten feet away I miss him...

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