The Start

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First Supernatural fanfic :D hope it's okay I just had to get this idea out there. 


"We should not be here brother, it is unwise to try and hide from our father."

"I have to tell someone Michael. And I trust you more than any other."

"Fine, but... do you feel that?"

"Feel what...? Yes I do. But, that is a human is it not. How can a human be so strong?"

"I do not know. Shall we look around while we converse? The humans are sleeping no one will notice us."


Two angels, Brothers, walked together in the night. The moon shown bright over them but was nothing compared to the beauty inside them.

They spoke of heaven and earth and the many things that went on around the new reality. Planet earth. Home of the humans God spent his precious time creating.

Although time was nothing to the realm of heaven.

In fact for the two angels: Michael and Lucifer, the earth was brand new. In their time humans hadn't even been placed on the surface yet. But the power that had been gifted to them gave them the ability to walk through the waters of time with ease.

"Strange how this is what we will be looking after until the start of eternity." Lucifer commented as he watched a lone group of gentlemen across the street. The angel knew the world would grow in its riches and technology but this seemed far beyond the time they had aimed for.

"Agreed. What time have you taken us to?" The streets were solid stone and the moon was not the only source of light in the small town. Little flickering lights were held high using iron poles.

Wealthy buildings loomed over the heads of anyone who passed and horses pulled elegant carriages along.

"I do not know, it is as if we were pulled to a time I had not intended. I thought they would still be crawling in the mud." Lucifer sneered.

"They are not destined to be so uncivilized for long. You know that. Father has showed us his plans for the human race." Michael said, a warning in his voice. However the younger ignored the warning as he continued to speak his mind.

"Yes but they will always be lesser." The other brother said nothing as he regarded what was said. He opened his mouth to speak moments later but that's when they heard it. Crying.

Down a dank ally they went, both searching for the soft cries that pierced the night.

"Where is that wretched sound coming from?" Lucifer wondered aloud. The brothers evade the small pools of water that had gathered between the cobblestones, and wondered how humans coped with the inability to fly around obstacles like crates and barrels.

Before long they split up to cover more ground and soon all Lucifer could see of Michael was the light behind his vessel.

"Over here." Michael called to his brother. The younger followed and peered down into the darkness.

A baby. Small and helpless, looked up at them with beautiful eyes that looked the the planet they walked on. Blues, greens, and grays swirled together like paint to form the intelligent orbs that were watching the angels carefully.

"Those eyes..." Lucifer marveled. "It is as if she can see into my mind." The girl's tears stopped flowing as she watched her finders. Lucifer lowered his hand into the box and poked at the small child. Startling him though, the babe grabbed his finger and proceeded to squeal loudly, her cheeks bunched up in a smile.

"What is it doing to me, my vessel's insides have turned to mush."

"It's almost like she can really 'see' us." Michael said, still wondering how such a small thing could hold the power he sensed. As he lifted her from the cardboard box she rested in the infant released the younger brother's hand and reached out to Michael.

Michael held her away from his body as if unaware of how to act.

"How does one interact with a human infant?" Lucifer asked as he poked at the child's face. She giggled and smiled a toothless smile as the angel poked at her once again, although now he made sure she wasn't able to get a grip on his fingers.

"This thing is giving off so much power. How?" Michael and Lucifer shared a glance.

"I don't know brother. Maybe we should take it home." Michael stared at his brother in shock. A human, in heaven?

"Lucifer that would be madness. The entirety of reality has only just begun in our time, she would never be with her people." Michael stood up to face his brother, never letting go of the child whom he had held close to his torso and rocked back and forth.

"Exactly, she would be able to live a life of perfection with us, we could raise her right."

"But God would do a much better job with her on earth among people that actually need help." Michael frowned. "Besides, she probably has a family here, looking for her–"

"She was left in a paper box in the middle of the night, Michael." Lucifer spat. Michael sighed and looked at the baby again. Her eyes were closed and she breathed deeply in the throes of a happy dream. Whatever the two angels had originally came to earth for was forgotten. Instead their attention had been handed on a silver platter to a small human infant with power beyond any of her kind. Although what Lucifer was proposing... could it even be done?

The eldest brother stared at the child in his arms.

Deep down Michael too wanted the child to stay with them.

"We will ask the Father." Michael decided after a moment of silence. He held the child close once more and led the small company out of the ally. "Come, someone is bound to notice our absence."

"What shall we call her?" Lucifer inquired gently as they walked. Michael shook his head.

"If she stays we shall name her. If not, that will be up to her earthly caretakers." 

"She will stay... I know it."  

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