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I groan but give in. I start to walk with my dad, none of us have cars so we have to walk the three miles, I can't teleport us there because it take to much work and there's a slight chance of losing a limb or death. It takes about 40 minutes, but we finally get there. There's dim purple lights and the building is almost glowing in the moonlight.
I walk in and my dad leaves, I realize my hair's a mess so I slightly pull my hood over my head. I look around the room and see a Buffet filled with pizza, spaghetti, cake, cupcakes and other desserts. I have 20 minutes to eat so I get spaghetti and a red velvet cupcake. I sit down at a long elegant table with 10 chairs and start to eat I get through the dinner and dessert and then a girl with blond hair and blue eyes sits next to me.
"Gosh" she says "your hair's a mess."
"Excuse me?" I say "who are you?"
"I'm Amber. It's nice to meet you"
"You too"
"Anyway let me fix it"
"How? We have five minutes until the meeting starts"
She puts her hands on my hair and when she removes them a perfect high ponytail is on my head.
"What the heck" I say astonished.
"Yeah that's my power" she replies
She walks over to the mirror wall. She has a ballerina bun on her head and is wearing a sparkly pink two piece dress, and slippers? Just then I hear a scream and it's Amber looking at her slippers and screaming "NOOOO" then the look on her face tells me she remembers she can change clothes, hair and makeup and immediately changes her shoes into pink stiletto heels. She walks over to the table and sits down then other 6 other people come to the table, 2 more girls and 4 guys. I look at the heads of the table and a tall man in a crimson suit with a yellow and red striped scarf and dark red hair with a curled mustache is sitting at one end. At the other end is our leader C.C.C, Carmen Camillo Cartez.
She has an elegant blond bun atop her head and is wearing a white dress that in my opinion is too tight.
"Hello my chosen ones" she begins, her voice sounds rehearsed and angelic "You most likely don't know everyone here, so let's get to know one another, say your name and your power."
She gestures to me and I say " I'm Belign and my power is teleportation."
After me Amber goes then a girl named Ashley who can control fire and ash and has fiery red hair and amber eyes then a girl named Summer who control plants then Justin who changes appearance based on what people find attractive then Dave who reads and controls minds then Chris who controls wind, and last, Joseph who has telekinesis. I'll describe them later. C.C.C. talks and I don't pay attention and stare at Justin who has black hair and eyes that change from brown to blue to sea green till I hear "be replaced if one of you die."
"Excuse me?" I say suddenly
"I said" continues C.C.C. with mock politeness "that if one of you die you will be replaced. Now if you may please go on the train outside to training, we just sent off to tell your parents where you'll be going, now chop chop." She say and gestures with her hands to leave. I excitedly walk out and go on the train. When I walk in there's a luxurious living area with a tiny kitchen next to it. There are two hallways and one above it says "Girls" and the other says "Boys" above it. I instinctively walk down the girls hallway till I see a door with my name on it and walk in. The designers clearly knew what I liked because there was a wall that was just a bookshelf with tons of books, a closet, a door that most likely leads to the bathroom and a king-sized bed with black comforter and black pillows.
I walk into the closet and there are three outfits a gray sweatshirt and black pants, a white shirt, purple exercise pants and purple and gray sneakers and a gray tank top with a leather jacket, black leggings and knee high high tops. I'm just going to call them outfit 1,2 and 3 and I walk into the bathroom and there's an amazing glass shower and a beautiful white circle tub with black tile, a black countertop and an amazing long mirror. I get in the shower and wash off with lavender smelling soap and wash my hair. I get out and put on the sweatshirt outfit and walk out with my hair not dried, I know it's one A.M. and go out to get water. I enter the kitchen and Justin comes in behind me

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