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"COME OUT OF WHERE YOU ARE!" Destiny yells "Belign, Dave, Justin, Amber. Come out!"

       I teleport to Destiny and awkwardly wave my hand, "Hi!" I say awkwardly. She stares at me judgingly.

When we all get into a line she yells at us," HOW DARE YOU! DID YOU SERIOUSLY PLAY A GAME OF CAPTURE THE FLAG AND NOT INVITE ME?!!!!!!"

We're all shocked by those last few words. "You seriously snuck out, disobeyed about 5 rules and didn't invite me!? Go up to bed and next time you think about sneaking out, invite me!"

We all head up to bed shocked and I fall asleep easily.

I'm laying alone in my bed and I hear a knock on the door. I stand up and open it. A little girl is there,"Hi" I say "Who are you?"

"Your worst nightmare!" She says in an evil voice and grows into a tall bulky man.
"Are you ready to die?" He asks an evil grin on his face.
"No leave me alone" I screech
He grabs my neck and right as he's about to break it... I wake up.

I scream so loudly I think the Isle hears it. Justin immediately comes rushing into my room.
"Are you okay?" He asks
By now I'm a mess,"Yeah, I'm fine" I wipe the tears from my face.
"Are you sure?" He asks and wraps his arms around me.
"I'm sure," I reply, I lay my head on his chest and fall right asleep.

"WAKE UP PUMPKINS!" I hear Destiny's voice yell through the intercom. Justin's gone and I change into the plain, gray training clothes and go downstairs.

"EVERYONE, GET INTO YOUR SQUADS." My team lined up with Destiny and looked at her expectantly, she pulls out her phone."Everybody, selfie!" She gets us all in a photo and posts it on Instagram with #squadgoals.

"Over here!" Destiny gestures over to a jungle gym sort of thing. "Okay pumpkins, we're going to do an obstacle course!"

She shows us how to do it and pulls out her phone. She goes to the timer and grabs 6 pieces of tiny paper. We get in a line and Sara's first.

She goes through it in 2:45 minutes and then Hunter goes, he gets 3:15. Next is my turn. I get ready to go and when she starts it I teleport to the end. "2 seconds" Destiny says

"Are you kidding me!" Sara yells "That should NOT count. SHE CHEATED!!!"

Destiny shrugs

"Get rekt little ms. perfect" I mutter

Dave's clear across the room and he laughs. We get through the course and go to breakfast.

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