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Great way to start the morning, Amber walking in and opening the blinds.
"Good morning" she says and smiles brightly.
I cover my eyes "Why are you so happy?"
"I'll tell you at breakfast" she says and winks.
"Ugh ok" I say and stand up.
She looks at me up and down"Um...no"
"Because I have news... duh."
She comes over to me, puts her hands on my head and closes her eyes. When she opens them I'm in a black and white dress and black shoes... no not shoes, heels. Ughhhhhhhhhhh.

(A/n The outfit's above)

"I hate you" I whisper.
"Love you too" she says cheerily.
"Come on" she drags me to the kitchen where I settle myself in next to Justin.
"So" she says and giggles"me and Dave are dating."
He kisses her and dips her. I discreetly leave the room and go to mine, Justin follows me.
"Nice dress" he comments
"Nice mom" I mutter
"Nice suit, did Dave dress you up too?"
I sit on my bed, Justin joins me.
"About the kiss" I begin
He kisses me.
"That one's not a secret" he says and leaves.
I go to Amber's room to tell her about the kiss. When I get to the door I hear laughter and decide to leave.

Then the retched voice of C.C.C. Booms,

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